Example sentences of "and [pron] is important for the " in BNC.

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1 Vitamin C is also required by those under stress and smokers , and it is important for the growth and repair of cells , gums , blood vessels , bones and teeth .
2 Certain organizations have the power to object to the grant of an O licence and it is important for the haulier seeking a licence to be aware of who they are :
3 There are schemes on hand for virtually every estuary in the country and it is important for the legislation to cover them .
4 The policy is to seek a wide range of complementary databases , and it is important for the humanities community to make its requirements known , directly or through the Datasets Inter-Agency Group ( DIAG ) , an advisory body , bringing together dataset providers and funders .
5 They are normally the senior employees and therefore the high earners of the business and it is important for the purchaser to assess the cost at an early stage .
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