Example sentences of "and [pron] be [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 In addition to dancing , both my husband , Rod , and I are musicians for the team ; I play the recorder and he is a ‘ cellist .
2 Individuals then occupy particular feeding sites in the trees and there is competition for the best ones .
3 And there is evidence for the prompt celebration of the Feasts of the Transfiguration and the Visitation , officially instituted in 1457 and 1475 respectively , in an unusual series of screen paintings in a small Devon church connected with the Chudleigh family .
4 class sizes are not too large and there is concern for the individual ;
5 There may be confusion in the clinical diagnosis of delayed gastric emptying after upper gastrointestinal tract surgery , and there are traps for the unwary .
6 It had become clear over the ensuing years that the requirements concerning collective worship had increasingly been disregarded by schools , and there were calls for the introduction of a more flexible system as well as suggestions that as a concept collective worship in school was outmoded and out of line with the more secular society in Britain , and should , therefore , be abandoned altogether .
7 The conference took place at a time of great political turmoil , and there were calls for the resignation of President Collor and an end to corruption .
8 Portraits of former communist dictator Enver Hoxha and of the current President , Ramiz Alia , were burned at rallies in Tirana on Oct. 6 , and there were calls for the arrest of Hoxha 's widow , Nexhmije Hoxha .
9 And there were calls for the theatre to close as it had become a big drain on local council finances .
10 A meeting was convened on 1st July 1600 to discuss the state of affairs but it was very poorly attended ; still the Germans were granted £200 to lay in peat , coal and other fuels for the next winter … and there was concern for the plight of the workmen should the mining halt .
11 And there was praise for the Barlow Clowes Investors Group , which , with Manchester solicitors Alexander Tatham , were at the forefront of the battle for compensation .
12 And they are habitat for the millions of mallard duck , Canada geese , American widgeon and other waterfowl that pause here as they cruise the Atlantic Flyway toward warmer climes each autumn .
13 I 'm going to tell you a little bit this morning about South East Arts and it 's support for the visual arts in the South East here .
14 And it 's exercise for the dog , see ?
15 Our children are not being served by this code and it 's time for the government to bring in a complete tobacco advertising ban
16 The Class runs for an hour and it is playtime for the 24 children .
17 Now the churching was over and it was time for the baptism to begin .
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