Example sentences of "and [pron] [was/were] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 There were a lot of distractions , and I was looking for the .
2 And I was angered for the dynasty
3 When it was time to leave and I was waiting for the car to take me back to the station for the journey back , I have to confess that I shed a tear or two .
4 It was down the pasture near Lartington on a day during the last war , when the weather was very bad and I was going for the bus to Barnard Castle .
5 Onslow 's has quite a scoop with the keys of Ernest Hemming , lamp-trimmer — each stamped Titanic and estimated at £4,000 ; it also has a doll found floating around the wreck and which was mistaken for the body of a child , at £1,500/3,000 .
6 Thereafter , possibly because the magazine began to appear more irregularly , Minton produced one further design , showing pages of manuscript fluttering down between buildings , and which was used for the next seven issues .
7 And who was to blame for the high interest rates ?
8 It was a young female golden eagle , and she was going for the carrion he had left .
9 It was cloudy enough to require full IFR flight , and we were cleared for the ILS at Vigo , but had to refuse since the VOR/DME there was out of order and there is no additional locator beacon to find the beam .
10 Do n't ask me to pluck figures out of the air , but it was a reasonable rent , and they were paying for the rates , and their electricity , and their water supply , and their sewage disposal , on permanent sites .
11 Only when they were sitting down in the chop-house and Dr Neil had ordered them soup and rolls , followed by lamb chops with seasonal vegetables , and a glass of red wine each — ‘ Good for your shattered nerves , ’ he said gravely — and they were waiting for the soup to arrive did Sally-Anne have time to look about her .
12 They used fishing rods and hooks , those cunning , black , nocturnal anglers , and they were blamed for the disappearance of booze from liquor cabinets and sugar from pantries .
13 The famous Swedish Don Giovanni , John Forsell , declared that the young Tauber was the greatest Ottavio he had ever heard , and he was noted for the intense conviction with which he declaimed to his Donna Anna ( in the German text then still generally in use , even at festivals ) the solemn oath , ‘ Ich schwöre ’ .
14 It was said with a kind of embarrassed formality as if he , not Dalgliesh , were the host and he was apologizing for the unexpected absence of the hostess .
15 And he was waiting for the final match in the other group between Stefan Edberg and Boris Becker to see if his No 1 ranking could be threatened .
16 And it was done for the best , although I must admit it did n't turn out like that .
17 Articles were placed in the press chronicling the joys of country life ( and — as will be shown — fruitless attempts were made to demonstrate that the rural environment was having a positive effect on the children 's health ) ; talks were given on the radio to parents ; special posters were printed ; and it was arranged for the Queen to visit certain schools in November to publicise the scheme .
18 He smacked the ball and it was heading for the roof of the net but it hit a west ham player on the head and almost knocked his head off !
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