Example sentences of "and [pron] [be] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 she was for the top of the hockey team and I were for the football
2 ‘ Day is done ’ is of course another Shakespearean echo , like the Dark Tower : ‘ The bright day is done ’ , says Iras to Cleopatra , ‘ and we are for the dark ’ .
3 ‘ The only papers we seem to keep are bills , and they 're for the accountant , ’ Emily said .
4 When no time is stipulated and it is for the buyer to collect , the seller must be ready to hand over the goods ( against payment ) to the buyer on demand ( provided made at a reasonable hour , section 29(5) ) at any time after the making of the contract .
5 Of course these ideas will not be explored on each occasion and it is for the teacher to decide when it is right to pursue the child 's interest .
6 Despite this , the House of Lords rejected any concept of commercial equivalence so that Lord Atkin held : It was contended that in all commercial contracts the question was whether there was " substantial " compliance with the contract : there must always be some margin and it is for the tribunal of fact to determine whether the margin is exceeded or not .
7 This is a fax to OSEVA , capital O , capital S , capital E , capital V , capital A of Czechoslovakia and it is for the attention of Dipling capital D I P L stop capital I N G stop Josef J O S E F and the heading is your fax of the twelfth instant .
8 The onus of showing reliance has now shifted away from the buyer and it is for the seller to prove that there was no reasonable reliance .
9 It should also be noted that there is no covenant or warranty implied that the premises are legally fit for the use for which the tenant intends using them and it is for the tenant to satisfy itself in this regard .
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