Example sentences of "and [pron] [be] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 And I was at that time a married man with two children .
2 We can not know — and she was by this time fifty-eight years old to Jack 's thirty-three — whether she felt personally slighted by the change .
3 It was safer to hire soldiers as well and it is at this time that we first come across the name Mercadier , a name that from now on was to be closely linked with Richard 's .
4 He went nuts — he went crackers , got the cane , and he was wielding it , and it was at that time that the rest of the boys decided to pile up the furniture in the corner and set fire to it , so half the classroom was burning .
5 The interior of Skirlaugh church was thoroughly repaired between 1813–19 and it was at this time that a screen , fine pulpit , pews and a wainscot gallery were finally removed .
6 To summarise , Wirral began the 1980s with a steady flow of opioids available from both legal and street sources and it was at this time that the majority of Wirral 's users began their habit .
7 He provided the money to make this possible and it was at this time that Paul moved into Allen Street .
8 And it was at this time , in 1910 , that Cubism entered its most ‘ difficult ’ or hermetic phase , which subsequently gave rise to so much misunderstanding .
9 Membership of the three European Communities was , and has remained , identical , and it was at this time that the Member States became known as ‘ the Six ’ .
10 And it was during this time that he had lost his wife , lost his job , lost his sense of himself as a separate human soul , and in struggle worked out the theory that he was nothing but a sick character in the hands or under the pen of a malevolent Author .
11 After National Service in the RAF , he worked for for eight years and it was during this time that he came in contact with , whilst the Belfast mill was being refurbished .
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