Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Probably because it 's as close as I have ever come to seeing myself and my friends up on the screen .
2 Seaweed and my parents back from the dead and objects come alive and sort of leer at me and sometimes I joyfully feel as if I 'm going to sink to the bottom of the ocean forever , but I wake up and then I do n't know what 's real .
3 Shove my dreams and my Walkman back into the bag , and get off the train .
4 Next day my father went back to the war and my mother back to the boarding school where she was on teaching practice as a French assistante , and spoke to the future wives of doctors and civil servants : Je suis , tu es , il est , nous sommes .
5 And , with the present government 's abolition of the local-authority Parker Morris house-building standards and its pruning down of the building control system , the standard of new homes may fall .
6 And it , kind of faces both ways , it , it looks back to the early period of the development of Freud 's thought that we 've already spoken about , and its beginnings back in the eighteen nineties , and in certain other respects , it looks forward , to the kind of revolution that was going to occur after World War Two .
7 Yes , it was real , it was happening : sitting with her back straight and her head up in the carriage on the way back , she thought how proud her father would have been to see her at the centre of all this pomp and splendour , and found herself mentally comparing his craggy looks and red beard with Joãs clean-shaven face and small , manicured hands .
8 Phyllisia too stood up to her father when he says he is going to send her and her sister back to the West Indies .
9 This movement , the single hard clear line of the throw , with her whole body behind it ; and then the complete turn in the swing of the throw , and her hound out to the pavement the speed and force of it , the skill , could never have been deduced from how Alice was , at any other time of the day or night , good-girl Alice , her mother 's daughter …
10 She put her case and her violin down against the wall .
11 The water was icy cold but she washed her arms up to the oxters , and then her face and her neck down to the top of the bodice ; after which she took off the rest of her underwear and got into a calico nightdress .
12 He had come , as arranged , to take her and her belongings over to the Hamiltons ' .
13 Sam took Nutty and her team up in the car straight after the last lesson ; Nails had not been around which was just as well as the car did not hold more than five .
14 Charlie has taken a street sweeper 's job to earn the money to pay off the cruel landlord who would otherwise put a blind girl and her mother out onto the streets .
15 Many riders we hear about seem unjustifiably timid about taking themselves and their horses off across the countryside .
16 Add the tomatoes and their juice along with the drained pear halves .
17 Pritchard and one corporal then nipped back across the open roadway to drop a 10lb charge between two tugs moored in the basin , and their dash back to the hut , a mere 60 yards or less from the approaching enemy , was achieved without mishap .
18 Charles was acting quite legally in initiating the quo warranto proceedings against borough charters , and his primary aim appears not so much to achieve royal control over the borough electorate — boroughs which did not return MPs were also subject to attack — but rather to drive Nonconformists and their sympathisers out of the local magistracy and to secure the empanelment of juries who would be prepared to act against the Dissenters .
19 Special trains were chartered to transport 2,000 employees and their families down to the gleaming new plant from Ford 's Trafford Park factory in Manchester which was in the process of closing .
20 The Working Women 's Charter , endorsed by the Women 's TUC in 1975 , put issues such as childcare , nurseries , abortion , maternity and paternity leave , women 's educational opportunity and their health on to the union agenda .
21 It is dispersals of this People 's University of books bequeathed by the Victorians and their successors up to the postwar years that are the real reason for the library 's losing its soul , as Richard Hoggart so aptly put it .
22 He was taking a group of his own men plus dogs and their handlers out to the helicopter base where he could brief them together with the pilots .
23 The golfclub head , large crop , strong breast muscles create these and they taper off to the tail with a harmonious unity .
24 He had to argue his conduct and his love out before the Court , where he was judged by his accomplishment in the arts of love and noble conduct by a panel of women .
25 In a fit of rage , he seized the poor man by the shoulders , and , shouting to him ‘ Out you go , you black beast ! ’ pitched him and his portmanteaus on to the platform .
26 Now he sat out on the porch with his chair tilted back and his feet up on the rail , and he sipped at his beer as he watched the patterns of sunlight on the forest over on the far side of the track .
27 Wycliffe saw Franks and his secretary off at the shop door .
28 They took him and his friend off to the police station .
29 He handed it and his sunhat back to the fuming bowler , who felt the gesture was not made with due courtesy .
30 One of the rising stars of motor racing has been to meet the men who 've put him and his car back in the running for success .
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