Example sentences of "and [verb] [not/n't] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And do n't they say your troubles will always come home to roost ? ’
2 And do n't I tell you not to break the back down and wear your canvas shoes like slippers ?
3 A heavy cross indeed , and do n't I know it ?
4 And do n't I know it .
5 And do n't you start your yapping again tonight , ’ she warned .
6 And do n't you underestimate my friend , by the way .
7 And do n't you love them now ?
8 And do n't you send it back either . ’
9 Best hands in the business and do n't you forget it .
10 ‘ Twelve , and do n't you forget it . ’
11 ‘ I 'm chief scavenger and piecer and do n't you forget it ! ’
12 Spouse : Andy , and do n't you forget it
13 ‘ He 's your son too , Richard Ward , and do n't you forget it .
14 You 're here to please me , and do n't you forget it . ’
15 You 're a suspect , not a detective , and do n't you forget it .
16 ‘ Nonsense , he 's my husband Harold , and do n't you forget it . ’
17 ‘ I 'm an invalid now and do n't you forget it ! ’ she added , attention-seeking .
18 And do n't you fancy him just a jot ? ’
19 ‘ Try not to track mud into the house , Ian , and do n't you think you should drop the term ‘ gyppos ’ from your vocabulary — it 's awfully common . ’
20 And do n't you think you ought to wait here for Maria Luisa — ? ’
21 And do n't you think it 's time you went home ? ’
22 And do n't you think it was flattering , in a way , to be preferred to my mother ?
23 and do n't you think it would be a good idea have you said in your letter that you worked for the the therapist ?
24 And do n't you tell me I 'm not fit to go to this bloody auction ! ’
25 " And do n't you quote my own lines back at me , you young pup ! "
26 Today , its technology sounds comically shrill and weedy , but songs like Seconds and Do n't You Want Me still exert considerable force , and the album 's focus on pop melody coupled to straightforward dance beats marked a conscious turning away from Punk , politics or the cerebral dogmatism of bands like Gang of Four .
27 Not that Dare was brainless-Seconds considered John Kennedy 's assassination , and Do n't You Want Me was as perceptive a snapshot of Eighties mores as pop would produce .
28 What with the stage and do n't you remember I used to come home Sa Saturday afternoon then start digging ?
29 And do n't you remember your home-coming from Rome ?
30 And do n't you know you 're trespassing ? ’
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