Example sentences of "and [verb] [to-vb] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When The Elder Statesman received less than adulatory notices , and failed to succeed at the box office , he was noticeably calm in his reaction .
2 a standard Anglepoise lamp er which it 's been going for a number of years , you can get it in about six different colours to match different designs of , er put colour into your room , now if somebody was spending a lot of time sitting knitting and has to look at the knitting or has to look at the pattern then er a good strong light which wo n't get in their eyes but goes straight on to what , whatever they 're doing , is by far the best thing for them , er but they say oh I do n't like it , it 's a bit angular is n't it , erm , modern sort of thing , er but because it 's angular it does n't mean to say it 's not gon na fit into the room it 's the right thing for it , er for the person doing that work .
3 She paused in front of Barnes and Noble and pretended to look at the book display in the window .
4 Penry Vaughan ducked his tall head through the doorway and moved to stand at the foot of the bed in the shadows beyond the arc of light from the small lamp .
5 He bent to the carabineer at his waist , and tried to chew at the knot , to make it more supple .
6 The goat stopped abruptly and tried to chew at the hem of Mrs Hollidaye 's brown jacket .
7 He sheathed his dagger , whispered to Ranulf and Maltote to wait at the top of the alleyway , and knocked gently on the shop door .
8 When they immediately reacted with their automatic alarm response of rolling up into a tight ball , the entire family promptly rolled down the slope of the hill and came to rest at the man 's feet , where he picked them up and popped them into his collecting bag .
9 Fran closed her eyes , willing the frantic pounding of her pulse to slow , but when his fingers completed their slow journey and came to rest at the base of her neck she knew that he could feel every frantic beat .
10 The Act buttressed the law on trespass with two new criminal offences : using or threatening violence in order to obtain entry to any premises , and occupying a house or flat and refusing to leave at the request of the rightful occupier .
11 When he married he rented a rambling red-brick Georgian house two miles away and bicycled to work at the forge most days .
12 The men were taken into a tent and allowed to look at a group of objects for a short period after which they had to recall every detail they had observed .
13 Luke dropped his grip on her and turned to glance at the door , as if he intended to go and put his question to the man himself .
14 He was nearing the top of the hill and turned to look at the view as an excuse for a breather .
15 For the non-colinear case , Hauser and Ernst have found it convenient to work with the complex function Z defined by ( 11.5 ) and to use the transformation ( 12.20 ) which consists of a rotation and rescaling to put at the point of collision when and .
16 ‘ Good girl , ’ Lacuna said absently , and returned to sit at the bank of screens .
17 When the power rear doors opened , the men moved out to the left and right of their vehicles , into their battle positions , and began to shoot at the enemy .
18 Harry had worked as tirelessly as his sister for the last few days ; now he sank down on to a stool beside his cannon out of sheer weakness , and began to weep at the thought of the wasted powder and the wasted water resulting from this misfortune .
19 One after another I picked up other stones and began to marvel at the diversity and beauty of them , that I had never noticed before .
20 After 1945 , the committee was allowed to divide itself into subcommittees , it gave up scrutinizing the estimates in detail and began to look at the way money was being spent in selected fields and how far government policy was being achieved .
21 Recovering , Emmie seized the thin old hearthrug and began to beat at the flames .
22 ‘ Come on , ’ said Jimmy , and began to tug at the cabinet again .
23 Carefully , almost lovingly , he pulled the instrument across his knees and began to pluck at the strings with a plectrum fashioned from tortoise-shell .
24 He crossed to the edge of the grass and craned to look at the top of the building .
25 Now the driver of the car had been traced and in a few minutes would be appearing at committal proceedings in the Magistrates ' Court on charges of dangerous driving , failing to report an accident , and failing to stop at the scene of an accident .
26 It is now daylight and another new day , as we continue to trudge along the road ; there is no conversation , it 's just heads down and continue to look at the boots of the man in front .
27 The cuttings to take now are semi-hardwood or semi-ripe cuttings : young shoots that have grown this year and started to harden at the base .
28 But then — if we are taking our time and stay to look at the town as a whole , walk around it in the cool and quiet of the evening when the shops are shut , and the traffic has gone home , and we can really see its contours and its bone-structure — other questions begin to arise in the mind , which even the best of guide-books does not answer .
29 So I left , and went to stay at a friend 's .
30 Luke pushed back his chair impatiently and went to stand at the window , looking down , his back towards her .
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