Example sentences of "and [verb] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Both have washed rinds and a firm texture and tend to have the washed rind garage-cheese smell , as described in the section on soft cheeses ( p69 ) .
2 Cash crops are always ‘ extractive ’ and tend to lower the overall fertility of the farm .
3 The beautiful ones wear ornate regional head-dresses , chime bells and yodel to welcome the New Year , while nature mummers appear in costumes of pine-cones , moss and snail shells .
4 Mr Blair said a recent Government campaign had focused on car security and failed to tackle the central problem of youth crime .
5 There were several litters to do and I was in a hurry and failed to notice the Irish farm worker 's mounting apprehension .
6 He saw the counterculture as a desperate cry for help from the captured sons and daughters of the Evil One ; a cry , he feels , which went virtually unheeded by many Christians who saw only the law-breaking or iconoclasm and failed to see the spiritual hunger .
7 Roads , communications and power were government dominated monopolies , and failed to provide the necessary service .
8 Geraldine Ferraro , who had been the Democratic vice-presidential candidate in 1984 , once again suffered because of her husband 's alleged connections with the Mafia and failed to win the Democratic nomination for a Senate seat for New York .
9 Once the government began to exploit their possibilities by raising the true rate of duty and levying special impositions , Parliament remembered its powers and sought to recapture the commanding heights which it had surrendered .
10 But none of these explains the tireless persistence with which he both articulated and sought to reconcile the contradictory aspects of his thinking .
11 In the 1870s , a series of military reforms gave new impetus to the professionalization of the officer corps , and sought to emulate the Prussian example by introducing universal conscription , building a reserve of trained men , and reducing the size of the massive standing army .
12 The new budget granted greater financial autonomy to the public sector , and sought to encourage the private sector , both local and foreign , to invest and to increase employment .
13 The Under-Secretary of State for National Heritage , Robert Key , introducing the draft order , said the increase in funding was more than 5% , which recognised the costs of a new computer and sought to maintain the real level of the rate per loan to authors .
14 Thirdly , he encouraged health improvements in an effort to raise the standards of hygiene and sought to contain the sweeping epidemics that intermittently tore through the population .
15 Certainly abolitionists used techniques which had a radical pedigree — this was a source of Wilberforce 's concern — but most of them did not tie them to programmes of large-scale reconstruction of the political order and sought to portray the economic change involved in abolition and emancipation as a smooth transition to a more profitable state of affairs .
16 In the first ICU the patient is correctly diagnosed and treated to correct the physiological variables .
17 GCC Defence Ministers met in Jeddah on Aug. 22 and agreed to reinforce the Peninsular Shield Force , the organization 's Saudi-based rapid deployment force [ see p. 34265 ] .
18 A variant of this is the celebrated Celtic and Rangers story about a lone fan caught by the opposition and made to fetch the hot Bovril at half-time .
19 Mongolia became a member of the Group of 77 in June and applied to join the Non-aligned Movement in 1991 .
20 In Azerbaijan the Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous region voted to establish itself as an independent republic with the support of 99.9 per cent of those who took part in a referendum on the matter , and applied to join the newly-established Commonwealth of Independent States ; Azerbaijan , for its part , voted to abolish the region entirely , renamed its capital city and placed the whole area under the control of a military governor .
21 The eight were subsequently suspended from their duties and forbidden to leave the southern city of Sucre , the legal capital .
22 " Combining mystery with history " : this was a phrase I invented ( or perhaps inadvertently cribbed ) for the blurb of the first novel I wrote under the pseudonym of Evelyn Hervey , The Governess , a story in which Miss Harriet Unwin in her first post as a governess in 1870s London finds herself accused of murder and has to pinpoint the real killer to save herself from the Old Bailey .
23 In effect the exporter assumes the role of a buyer and has to market the counter-purchased goods .
24 Congress , the woman worker is often low paid , and suffers from the menopause symptom and has to pay the full prescription charges for a treatment of H R T.
25 Before proceeding , it is perhaps appropriate to examine what is meant by deregulation and to try to access the likely effect of the philosophy if it is fully extended to international air transport .
26 Neither does one have to invoke Marxism to take history seriously and to try to understand the various forces which are at work and the way in which certain classes , institutions and pressure groups have used power to maintain inequality .
27 It is not a good model for human relations , and some of the people who are aflame with political zeal and want to put the entire world to rights are in fact hell to live with .
28 And you put up with his way of making decisions for you , even if , one day , you wake up and want to wear the green skirt he hates , watch Morse which he ca n't stand …
29 In turn , clients ' expectations are growing ; they are more informed , more knowledgeable about the process , much more likely to adopt an open style , and want to know the key facts , expecting a high level of overall professionalism .
30 Sweetman turned and pretended to notice the sports-fishing boat for the first time .
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