Example sentences of "and [verb] [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 After dinner they had got lost , because Betty had fallen asleep and failed to note the few signposts and correlate them with the route on the map .
2 Most important was that the Association had lost a high proportion of the key members by death or removal from the area , and failed to attract the younger men coming home from war service who found an outlet in more direct political activity .
3 Once the government began to exploit their possibilities by raising the true rate of duty and levying special impositions , Parliament remembered its powers and sought to recapture the commanding heights which it had surrendered .
4 But none of these explains the tireless persistence with which he both articulated and sought to reconcile the contradictory aspects of his thinking .
5 Drawing on North American experience , the Commission concluded that ‘ poor management was an important contributory factor to New York 's problems ’ , and sought to apply the same lessons here ( p. 2 ) .
6 Thirdly , he encouraged health improvements in an effort to raise the standards of hygiene and sought to contain the sweeping epidemics that intermittently tore through the population .
7 In the first ICU the patient is correctly diagnosed and treated to correct the physiological variables .
8 In effect the exporter assumes the role of a buyer and has to market the counter-purchased goods .
9 Neither does one have to invoke Marxism to take history seriously and to try to understand the various forces which are at work and the way in which certain classes , institutions and pressure groups have used power to maintain inequality .
10 In turn , clients ' expectations are growing ; they are more informed , more knowledgeable about the process , much more likely to adopt an open style , and want to know the key facts , expecting a high level of overall professionalism .
11 Classical literature is systematically castigated by Nizan as a process of deception centred on myth-making , idealism and symbolism , and designed to defend the oppressive practices of a dying class .
12 Progressive literature is consistently upheld by Nizan as a process of disclosure centred on reality , Marxism and realism , and designed to advocate the justifiable demands of an aspiring class .
13 What we can not do is ask questions about sub-areas of the cerebral cortex , for example the striate cortex of primates , and expect to get the same answers from studies on different groups .
14 Fold the excess lining pastry over the lid and press to seal the two layers of pastry together .
15 The woman who sang wandered over , carrying her sheets of music , and stopped to say a few words to Dr Rafaelo before going up to the little stage and setting up her recording deck to accompany her nightly concert .
16 They look rather like elongated jellyfish and appear to have no structural virtues .
17 Ms Starnes , who had once worked for him in the news department of WSGN Radio in Birmingham , Alabama , agreed at once that he should cover pending events in Libya for Mutual Radio and promised to get the necessary credentials to him within 48 hours .
18 It was in the second phase , then , that linguists stepped to the fore and tried to replace the simple notions of language code and language deficit .
19 He was a comical little man but as she smiled and tried to say the right things — ‘ Oh !
20 My sister took a bit of stick at first , too , and although she 's two years younger than me and was in a different class , we stuck together at break times and tried to avoid the sneering eyes .
21 After Kristallnacht he forbade further attacks on Jews and tried to have the worst ringleaders punished by the courts .
22 As soon as the rain stopped they rushed to the old roofleaf beds and tried to find the old roots .
23 Soon after this Helen Stoner married her young man and tried to forget the terrible deaths of her sister and stepfather .
24 Only the Sikh men seemed to have other things on their mind as , twirling their moustaches , they downed great tumblers of whisky and tried to lure the prettiest girls on to the dance floor .
25 Carson pulled out his pad and tried to read the shaky notes that he 'd made on the Underground .
26 He kissed Laura , sat down , and tried to bring the two subjects put to him into order , and under one heading .
27 I struggled back into equilibrium and tried to ride the pulverising waves of misery and found to my desperate dismay that the finger of arrow in front was almost an inch longer .
28 His jacket was torn off during the first verse and his shirt during the second , then the Little Sweep realized he had made a monumental error and tried to tell the two schoolmasters not to remove his trousers .
29 It was the steady flow of student and ex-student recruits which brought into being and helped to sustain the radical circles , organizations and nation-wide parties of the revolutionary underground .
30 Outside in the street , huge crowds were already gathering , joking and laughing , and pushing to get the best places near the great black platform , where the rope hung ready for its morning 's work .
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