Example sentences of "and [verb] [to-vb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Robinson also cited the work of the commission 's judicial task force in recommending and helping to set up a scientific organization inside the Federal Judicial Center that will provide guidance for judges on the question of interpreting scientific evidence in court ( see page 481 ) .
2 James was in every respect the kind of driver Alexander would get along with and that their enterprise did not finish so very far from winning , and failed to win not a few times only through misfortune — or the injustice of fate , speaks creditably of an underlying seriousness that they rarely allowed to show .
3 On March 28 , 1989 , Pérez and President Virgilio Barco Vargas of Colombia met on the Urena border bridge and agreed to set up a permanent commission , chaired by former Spanish Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez González , to look into their marine border dispute , which last erupted in August 1987 when a Colombian warship sailed into the Gulf of Venezuela ( known by Colombia as the Gulf of Guajira--see p. 35757 ) .
4 The Economy Ministers of Argentina , Brazil , Paraguay and Uruguay met on July 20 in the Uruguayan capital , Montevideo , and agreed to work out a joint set of rules to combat the dumping and sale of subsidised goods by non-members of their prospective common market agreed under the Mercosur Treaty of March 1991 [ see p. 38096 ] .
5 ‘ I am going round London in 80 days , ’ I say , ‘ and intend to pick up a local bus at Heathrow ’ .
6 Hence , it was natural to become preoccupied with climate and to try to set up a geomorphological scheme in which climate dominated erosion and erosion dominated structure and lithology , so that every climatic zone had its characteristic landforms .
7 She walked over to the pond and bent to pick up a small pebble , skimming it across the glittering water , watching the way it bounced , then sank , leaving behind it only ripples .
8 A girl came in and tried to haggle over a nineteenth-century vase , but Rachaela told her Mrs Mantini fixed the prices fairly and never reduced items .
9 They left and helped to set up a competitive operation within the kilometre circle .
10 He publicly endorsed the death sentence on Salman Rushdie — an act which oddly failed to get him charged with the crime of incitement to murder — and wants to set up a Muslim parliament .
11 These include experiments in programme exchange and plans to set up a regional TV network in time for the 1992 Caribbean Festival of Arts .
12 On receiving a petition it is the function of the Commission to ascertain the facts and seek to bring about a friendly settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for the human rights set out in the Convention ( Art.28 ) .
13 Or invest in a foundation-and-powder compact which can be whizzed over the face first thing and used to touch up a shiny nose or chin during the day .
14 As the front door slammed behind them , Josh finished drying his face and hands and began to put on a clean shirt and a stiff collar .
15 There 's tennis , windsurfing , volleyball and snorkelling to name just a few of the activities .
16 Houghton is a management analyst and appears to have only a hazy idea of how librarians organize book selection , and of the sources that they use .
17 In fact the 3000 MkIII had gone the way of many a sports car in its dotage and started to take on a softer aspect .
18 As we shook hands and started to walk along a narrow path in the direction of a few slit trenches , Tony remarked , ‘ Big change out here from the South Coast of England , or the wilds of Achnacarry !
19 In Chapter 12 I give additional clarifications about my use of the word " structure " and try to explain why a structural approach is incompatible with a description of the world in terms of objects and attributes .
20 Or go back to HQ , and try to think up a few lines of enquiry for the staff there to pursue — men and women looking progressively more unwashed and unkempt and incompetent as the small hours of the morning gradually wore on .
21 At Stratford-upon-Avon , the Bishop of Worcester ( who owned the entire manor ) obtained the grant of a market in 1196 and proceeded to lay out a new town forthwith .
22 The latter suggestion was indeed taken up and the Area Board chairmen met monthly with Citrine , Self and Hacking to work out a common policy .
23 After ten minutes we were hot and had to take off a few layers .
24 Barker grew very quickly , and had to work off a tremendous amount of energy every day , and since Danny was much too young to take him out for walks , this duty fell upon Connor .
25 Living alone and trying to bring up a small daughter is no easy task , and taking extra time to learn a new skill is just an added burden . ’
26 Folly followed her guide , praying that the girl would n't ask why she wanted to see Luke Hunter , and trying to think up a good excuse in case she did .
27 THE HOUSE OF LOVE have rescheduled their one-off London date originally postponed from September and plan to give away a limited-edition single featuring a previously unreleased ten-minute track at the show .
28 SCOTTISH football legislators are giving serious consideration to scrapping relegation this season and agreeing to set up a 14-club Premier Division next term as a temporary measure before returning to a top tier of ten teams in 1994-95 .
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