Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun sg] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Secretary of State will also chair a new Cabinet sub-committee to bring together Ministers from all key departments and co-ordinate policy for the further improvement of London .
2 February 20th , 1920 : It was on this date that Adolf Hitler gave up painting and became spokesman for the newly-formed Nazi Party .
3 So why do n't you both get off prime time telly immediately and make way for the new generation ?
4 So why do n't you both get off prime time telly immediately and make way for the new generation ?
5 So why do n't you both get off prime time telly immediately and make way for the new generation ?
6 For individuals , it took immense determination , on the part of an Ada Nield Chew or Hannah Mitchell , for example , to change the pattern of their lives and make time for the political work they held dear .
7 Anyone who has made the mistake of parking at harvest-time under the trees which line the Place Drouet d'Erlon in Reims , will realise that most of Champagne 's bird life return each night to this one street to rest and make room for the following day 's gorging of grapes .
8 They wanted to recover a wider , more comprehensive vision of the church , one which could include and make room for the different forms in which the church had appeared through history , and in this way to overcome the deeply entrenched divisions between the separated confessions and denominations .
9 ULSTER investors who take a stake in this summer 's flotation of Northern Ireland Electricity may be able to make a ‘ quick buck ’ and raise cash for the next issue of British Telecom shares .
10 On Nov. 13 the UN World Food Programme ( WFP ) announced a massive humanitarian food plan for Iraq , the first consignment of which involved the despatch of 15,000 tonnes of wheat and cooking oil for the Kurdish population .
11 At the moment John Cleese is in full sail , way ahead of the field , confident , at ease , and gathering energy for the next thing .
12 During the afternoon meeting , several breaks were called to allow discussions between the various groupings to examine the three motions on the table : a strong attack on the MPs , calling on the executive not to endorse their actions ; a motion regretting their action , and the successful statement welcoming the concession wrung out of the Westminster system and pledging support for the parliamentary group .
13 For the last year of his life he suffered from myeloma , a form of bone cancer , and entered hospital for the last time in July where he made friends with another patient who , unfortunately , soon died .
14 During the Gulf conflict he was president of Hartlepool Gulf Troops Support Group , and he is chairman of the Northern Area Parliamentary Candidates ' Association and press officer for the Conservative Group on Cleveland county council .
15 ‘ Q-shed ’ was once the warehouse and booking office for the much-loved P. & A. Campbell pleasure steamers , Today , a wide range of exciting and dynamic events and activities frequently changed are held here .
16 Ray , who runs a local lost and found bureau for the National Petwatch organisation , took the dog in while he tried to trace the owner .
17 They gave him his first meal , of bread for the body and purifying salt for the immortal soul , and cheered as his tiny red face puckered at the taste and he yelled lustily .
18 It is commonly accepted that part of a nurse 's functions is to be sensitive to and provide care for the psychological needs of patients , achieved in part through interpersonal relationships .
19 Most of these customers represent traditional nuclear business but their requirements are in decline , so AEA is actively developing new business such as technical services for the oil industry , safety consultancy for the transport industry , environmental research for the water industry and process engineering for the pharmaceutical industry .
20 The MORI survey was conducted to measure the success of the Prospectus and to provide feedback for the second edition , which has now been published .
21 Another essential ingredient of our diet is fibre , the importance of which is to provide bulk to keep our gastro-intestinal tracts working satisfactorily and to provide nourishment for the beneficial bacteria which , in health , inhabit our large intestines and supply us with a not inconsiderable proportion of our daily vitamin requirements .
22 In a Welsh mining village the boys were told to go and carry water for the old people … and see about firewood for them for the week .
23 The declaration highlighted the importance of the current Middle East peace talks and reiterated support for the Palestinian intifada , adding that the liberation of Jerusalem " was the Islamic cause of this generation " .
24 ‘ Highly Conservative in politics , they are also High Churchmen ’ ; their sectarian spirit focused on Clarkson because , although a churchman , he had been an apologist for Quakerism and in earlier days as an enthusiast for civil as well as religious liberty ‘ he belonged to a very liberal class ’ and showed support for the French Revolution .
25 Their relatively humdrum job these days is merely to argue about the best mechanism for finding out what the people want , the best way of looking after the country 's interests abroad and , in economics , the rival merits of maximising productive efficiency and maximising compassion for the poor devils who get least out of the efficiency .
26 The major trials which followed the movement ‘ to the people ’ were used with great skill by the accused and their defence lawyers to expose the incompetence and brutality of the police , to draw attention to the plight of the peasantry , and to win sympathy for the wretched poverty of many students .
27 Addressing the conference , Ruslan Khasbulatov , Supreme Soviet Chairman , attacked recent government criticism of both central and local legislatures , accusing the government of " constant provocative actions … perhaps to try and avoid responsibility for the existing failures in the economic reforms " .
28 However , if ‘ the offence was substantially a repetition or continuation of an earlier offence ’ and followed conviction for the earlier offence , the penalties were increased substantially .
29 Like the head , he saw the lack of a librarian as a serious deficiency and gave priority to the securing of someone to " manage " the library ( and assume responsibility for the part-time assistant ) .
30 Subject to the necessary amendments being made to the provisions of the schemes , they will continue for a transitional period after privatisation to provide for continuity of pension provisions and allow time for the privatised company to make new arrangements .
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