Example sentences of "and [verb] [pers pn] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 Play another sound effect — perhaps a door opening , keys jangling , a car moving off , a bomb exploding , or a dog barking — and it becomes difficult not to link the two sounds together and make them part of the same story .
2 It 's becoming a favourite pastime , combining the thrill of the chase with the joy of the bargain which is why we regularly try and bring you news of the latest openings .
3 For Clarke , football hooliganism developed at the intersection of these trends : the fans have now taken the traditional values of toughness , masculinity , local identity , collective action and partisanship and made them part of the game 's new , more spectacularised style .
4 Yet it was through the derided Teenybop that the next pop generation came , as young women quickly moved from varieties of Osmond to something a bit meatier — men who instead of masking the femininity of the adored object , flaunted it and made it part of the package .
5 Nothing is known about his employment from 1815 to 1830 , when Messrs C. , H. , and G. Enderby proposed an Antarctic sealing voyage , and appointed him master of the brig Tula ( 150 tons ) , which was not a good sea boat , with the cutter Lively and twenty-nine men and boys in all .
6 I asked Jeanne to find as many friends as possible to accompany her on walks with Moby , and to give them control of the lead and take him away to explore without her if they felt confident .
7 I held up my hand very much in the manner of Salvius the tribune greeting Glabriolix the slave and giving him news of the Emperor 's dog , Pertinax .
8 But his form , in an often disappointing side with a fragile back-up , has at times been exceptional and kept him top of the national averages .
9 If , instead of following them that way you follow them a bit further north and follow them north of the Himalayas , then get smaller and greyer and paler , and the two ends of the loop meet in China and behave as distinct species .
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