Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A short bridging scene has been included between Susan and Barbara to allow a camera time to get onto its marks and change lenses for the Inlay shot .
2 Tivoli Management Environment Release 1.6 adds configuration and change services to the software , claimed to simplify and automate the process of setting up , maintaining and changing large-scale client/server networks , a task that often takes up over half of a system managers time , according to Tivoli .
3 A report published on Oct. 17 by the human rights group Amnesty International stated that the security forces continued to detain and torture opponents of the government " with apparent impunity " under the continuing state of emergency imposed in 1981 .
4 Working members enjoy the social life at Llanfair Caereinion the headquarters of the railway , there are numerous hostelries and eating places within the village , a walking distance from the B R sleeping coach which offers an overnight rate of £1 per person .
5 These calculations account for the enthusiasm with which some reformers embraced and recommended models for the development of self-regulation amongst slaves .
6 This includes offering advice to companies and centres on the delivery of NVQs and assisting companies in the implementation of the new qualifications in the workplace .
7 On the bed Stark groaned loudly and clapped hands to the wound .
8 Consequently , it is suggested that land cultivation grants in the LFA remain withdrawn and that drainage grants are reduced to 30% under both AHDS and AHGS schemes in the LFA except in the proposed Marginal Zone ( the least handicapped Article 3(4) LFA land ) where it is recommended that they revert to the level obtaining outside the LFA ( 22 ½%),; reflecting the increased financial benefit likely to accrue from drainage schemes on such lower elevation , least handicapped land .
9 Land cultivation grants under both AHDS and AHGS schemes in the LFA should remain withdrawn as announced on 11 December 1984 .
10 Capital grants for drainage under both AHDS and AHGS schemes in the LFA should be reduced to 30% of costs in the proposed ‘ mountain zone ’ and ‘ intermediate zone , , and to 22 ½%; of costs ( the level outside the LFA ) in the ‘ marginal zone ’ in order to reduce incentives to drain upland wetlands and species-rich wet pastures/meadows .
11 Mr. Wells dismisses suggestions that the people of York are becoming weary of tourists , particularly when they are continually stopped in the street and asked directions to the minster and other attractions .
12 And so me brother and I , who was a twin , were put into the choir as probationers , like today 's police force , and after twelve months we 'd passed all the necessary tests for the vicar and became chororists with the choir and graduated through it .
13 Koestler and Orwell met and became friends during the war , but it takes more than two to make a coterie , and in conversation Koestler denied having taught Orwell anything important about communism : it was a meeting , not always entirely harmonious , of like minds .
14 Many of the Serbian nobles accepted the Turkish yoke and became vassals of the sultan .
15 During negotiation of the contract , the purchaser will continue to investigate the business but more thoroughly than before and will often instruct both lawyers and accountants to investigate and prepare reports on the business .
16 Although continuous time econometric modelling is primary a British development the methods that were first used in modelling ( in continuous time ) the United Kingdom economy are now being used by leading research and forecasting groups throughout the world .
17 Induction activity at the outset of the module should focus on the PSD skills and behaviours to be developed in the module and introduce students to the learning , teaching , and assessment approaches which will be used .
18 Second , it was in the economic interests of the colonial ( and home ) administrations to persuade or force the cultivator to grow produce for the market either because it increased the cultivator 's taxability and therefore he/she could contribute to the infrastructural administrative and policing costs of the colony ; or , where settlers would or could not do the job , it would provide a source of cheap food for the mining workers , particularly in southern Africa .
19 The dying ripples of its massive tidal wave lapped up the English Channel , and the volcanic debris , wreathing the planet , altered weather and harvest patterns around the world for years afterwards .
20 The system comes with three components : CODEBREAKER which uses intelligent software to identify hazardous chemical labels , summarize the chemical properties and indicate health risks ; MAP which can display digital and scanned maps of the incident site ; AIR MODEL which is an atmospheric modelling program linked to CODEBREAKER and MAP .
21 the end cha , the end of the chapter said that if parents were to re-take on the role of educating and disciplining children within the home
22 When the people who buy and sell shares in the City lose their jobs , they have nowhere to go , either , because they have no skills .
23 She pushed on , dark in the darkness , through barbed and whipping branches to the door of her cottage .
24 The reasons have been strikingly depicted by Cole and Postgate ( 1961:306 ) : The appalling sanitary conditions were accompanied by an increase in destitution and pauperism as people left the countryside , or were forced to leave by the Enclosure Acts , and sought jobs in the manufacturing towns .
25 Thus Ramsey found leisure to read , and write , and make friends in the diocese .
26 Be interested and listen to what he says , and make notes of the conversation for future reference .
27 Do you want to go and get your aeroplane , cos I can sit at the table and colour with one hand , and make aeroplanes with the other .
28 just remind members by er , way of introduction that this is the the first occasion when the external auditor has been er invited to answer questions and make points on the management er er , letter to the full committee .
29 For example , Margaret Marshall ( 1981 , p.65 ) says that ‘ apart from sustained disruptive or deliberate offences , the librarian and other library users should be aware of and make allowances for the possibility of unusual noise in the library ’ .
30 They set up sessions where people could come and talk about the families , and make statements about the sort of people they were .
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