Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] her [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Her thin denim jacket was sodden and clung to her like a wet tea towel .
2 For a while Elaine was cared for by young volunteers who used to come and stay with her for a few months at a time .
3 Topaz found herself praying to a God to whom she did n't quite believe that Andrew would agree and stay with her for a while .
4 Rachel kneels behind me whispering in my ear , ‘ You never told me about Jancey ’ and I tell her she 's just the woman next door and Rachel says , ‘ Oh yeah ? ’ and I push her onto her back and sit astride her in the dark .
5 The face loomed up out of the darkness and leered at her through the rain-soaked glass .
6 She kicked out at him as he covered her body with his but he held her tight and rolled with her into the protection of the trees .
7 Then she was giving him her mouth again so that he might swallow the choked cries of pleasure rising from her throat as the frenzy claimed her once more , and a little later she was thrashing against him , pleading hoarsely for his possession , until Luke held her down and sank into her with a harsh groan .
8 His mouth was open and drooling and his tongue lolling between his lips and his eyes staring as if he did n't see her and everything about him red , and his hands bruised her skin where he tugged at her to move her where he wanted her , and he was making awful noises and pushing at her and pushing at her without the slightest gentleness almost as if he did n't realise it was her .
9 A-Team star George Peppard 's second wife , actress Elizabeth Ashley — whom he met and fell in love with when they made The Carpetbaggers in 1964 — claimed that he assaulted her and came at her with a hot frying pan , an allegation that Peppard has always strongly denied .
10 Rupert repeated his earlier greeting and came towards her with a glass jug that looked as if it contained some kind of cocktail .
11 She felt a warm rush of gratitude for his sensitivity as he kissed and played with her in a teasing , light-hearted way which both excited and disarmed her at first .
12 He again knew what it was to feel embarrassed when , on the Monday dinner time , he went into the NAAM , and looking at her over the counter , he said , ‘ Hello there , ’ and she answered , ‘ Hello , yourself . ’
13 She demurred a little when he said , picking up his teacup , and looking at her over the top of it , ‘ You never answered my question , Miss McAllister .
14 Now he drained it and squinted at her through the glass .
15 Then the hard body overpowered her completely , thrusting into her , hands biting into her hips as she sprawled beneath him , her mouth slack and her eyes dazed , and as he looked down and saw the expression on her face he began to groan louder with pleasure , whispering incoherent words in a ragged , dehumanised voice , devastating her with the absolute possession he took , sliding his hands under her rear , his face contorting barbarically as he went into a violent climax in a series of deep , fast thrusts and jerked against her with a fierce cry , his body shaking as with the spontaneous release of an electric current .
16 The secret language , the underground stream that forced through her like a river , that rose and danced inside her like the pulling jet of a fountain , that wetted her face and hands like fine spray , that joined her back to what she had lost , to something she had once intimately known , that she could hardly believe would always be there as it was now , which waited for her and called her by her name .
17 After about five minutes a middle-aged woman appeared in the doorway and , seeing Lucy , stopped and frowned at her over the top of her glasses .
18 As soon as if was over Baldwin went to his wife 's room and sat and talked with her until an early bed .
19 Hordes of admirers screech that they would be only too willing to take Kylie home and look after her for a while .
20 She was delighted to see me , as it meant she would not have to go on her own , and she stood over me while , complaining bitterly , I changed into my jacket and returned with her to the revels .
21 ‘ What you told me last night , Rachel , only convinced me that this marriage could work , ’ he said softly , and walked towards her with a look of intent in his blue eyes that sent panic rushing through her in hot waves .
22 He stood up and walked beside her to the edge of the wood where his horse was tethered .
23 Penry sighed , picked her up , and walked with her to the door .
24 The Doctor stepped back , watched her for a moment , and walked round her to the console at which Britta was working .
25 Sometimes she would stand in front of Sarah and stare at her in the most curious way , saying nothing .
26 ‘ Sweet … shy … sad ’ … the same words are echoed when you speak of Hannah to those who lived and farmed alongside her over the years .
27 It is rare to find an elderly person 's home that could not be made much more comfortable , convenient and secure for her by a few carefully planned improvements and adaptations .
28 He pronounced took like a curse , and mimed the bad men looking by jutting his head forward and glaring at her like a demented goldfish .
29 He encouraged her to take public baths , he saw that she ate properly — though indifferent to food himself — and behaved with her like a caring mother , the kind of affectionate mother who had always inspired him .
30 But as he drew level with Grace Richard gave her a smile which melted her heart , and waved to her in a way entirely peculiar to himself , half way between a naval salute and a discreet gesture with the rolled umbrella .
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