Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Already in my own LEA there are plans for visual arts teachers to explore and establish assessment guidelines , and to capitalize on the considerable amount of curriculum development work that has occurred over recent years .
2 He slapped his hands together and beamed around the overcrowded cockpit .
3 It was the morning of Emilia Frere 's departure from the Hall and for a few minutes Louisa found herself alone with the Rector , who fingered the brim of his hat and beamed like the milky sun outside .
4 Colour the remaining fondant a pale cream colour ( use a tiny amount of diluted yellow food colouring ) and knead in a tiny amount of brown until almost mixed in but still a bit ‘ muddy ’ .
5 As the mixture becomes too stiff to stir , turn it out onto a surface dusted with cornflour or icing sugar and knead in the remaining icing sugar .
6 More surprising , and to Paviour more confounding and conciliating at the same time , was the presence of Gus Hambro , busy with a large clip-board , charting on squared paper the patch of ground to be taken up , and sketching a hurried but accurately proportioned elevation of the exposed vault of the flue .
7 There was a turquoise stone set in a pendant and hanging from a fine gold chain at Debbie 's throat .
8 Greenery was everywhere , in bowls and screens and hanging from the open balustrades , giving the teahouse the look of an overgrown garden .
9 Clare had planned so often the details of her own wedding , so often pictured herself , radiant in a long , white dress with train , leaning on her father 's arm , advancing with a slow , fragile step down the aisle towards Mark , handsome and smiling in morning dress , while the organ pealed and the candles and flowers blazed , and the guests beamed and whispered in the crowded pews — that she felt a surge of pity for the girl who would have nothing to remember but this sordid little ceremony .
10 They were automatically members of a minority which was loathed and persecuted by a substantial section of society .
11 Soon one could ignore it , except now and then when the fire seemed to take a huge breath and glowed with a sudden fierceness which sent sparks flying crazily up the chimney .
12 The night sky was brilliant and the stars seemed to wink like precious stones against the velvet darkness ; the streets , carpeted by ice and hard snow , shimmered and glowed under the pale moonlight .
13 That night he took a midnight train to London , searched for her all day , and had his first demanding quarrel with her in a Chinese restaurant at five o'clock in the afternoon , blue-jowled with fear and tiredness , and smelling of the stale smells of travellers .
14 Tim considered them , glanced back at his shelves , noticed a gap and pounced upon a rectangular block of tikka masala sauce .
15 Person 2 would certainly not pay the higher price necessary to induce a competitive supplier to expand production beyond the output Q. Person 2 is thus a free-rider enjoying person 1 's purchase Q. And the total quantity privately produced and consumed in a competitive market lies below the socially efficient quantity Q * ;
16 Complex derivatives of phenols , chlorinated and compounded with an anionic base , have been used widely as glassware agents in the licensed trades until the advent of bisguanides .
17 Suffocating and smothering in the gelatinous mucous
18 Rowed by a team of friends she was soon alongside , aboard and tucking into a substantial breakfast .
19 ‘ We 've had to chop and change on a regular basis this season , but it could hold us in good stead because when everyone is fit again , we 'll know we have people who can operate well in different positions . ’
20 What had happened was that O had been at home , not sleeping , thinking about Boy at six in the morning , and he had called up and said , ‘ Are you watching TV , ’ to which Boy had replied , as the man had heard , ‘ Yes , ’ and then O had told Boy to turn over to the boxing ; he 'd just said , ‘ Get up and change to the third channel .
21 It was no answer , and it was a complete answer ; Edouard , recognising something of Jean-Paul in the implacability of the reply , hearing in it , too , –hat note of bland stubbornness with which some of his workmen in the Loire would resist argument and change with an age-old peasant resilience , sighed and decided it might be wiser to leave the subject there .
22 Community , Continuity and Change after the 1984–5 Coal Dispute .
23 ( 1 ) These and other figures are taken from a report published by the Cardiff Business School entitled ‘ Continuity and Change in the British Port Transport Industry ( 1991 ) ’ by P Turnbull and S. Weston ( price £25 ) .
24 To conduct an in-depth cast study of the National Marriage Guidance Council ( NMGC ) in order to examine the dynamics of survival and change within a voluntary organisation .
25 In order to understand continuity and change within the British policy , I propose to stress the significance of the political culture .
26 Limited liability means that the financial liability of each person responsible as a member of the business is fixed from the outset and limited to a fixed amount .
27 The beginnings were slow and limited to a few sectors where differences in labour costs were important .
28 It is not surprising , therefore , that recent Marxist explanations of power in capitalist society have tried to explain the more pluralistic modern forms of representation and policy-making in terms , not of some devious desire by the ruling class and their friends but as a limited freedom for actors and forces opposed to capitalism , which is constrained and limited in the last instance by the economic structure of the capitalist mode of production and its ideological hegemony .
29 Such further offer shall be made in the same manner and limited by a like period as the original offer .
30 Such further offer shall be made in the same manner and limited by a like period as the original offer .
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