Example sentences of "and [verb] [conj] [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She recorded the cranial measurements of 35 male anatomists attending the Anatomical Society meeting in Dublin in 1898 , 30 female students of Bedford College and 25 male staff of University College , and found that no such relationship existed .
2 A free park and ride scheme had been organised , which was very good in theory , but so many people were parking and riding that the many coaches could barely pass each other on the narrow roads thronged with thousands of people .
3 Those in favour assert that democratic government should be conducted as openly as possible and argue that the more electors are made aware of the actions of their elected representatives the better .
4 The menus , and their cross references , are well thought out and presented and the most computer illiterate could quickly master the whole system .
5 From this it is easy to go one step further and to say that the same thing happens in fictional discourse , except that it is a postulated or imagined model of reality — in short , a fiction — that is transferred to the addressee .
6 The purchaser will be concerned to ensure that the vendor has given full and accurate details of all independent contractors used by the business and to warrant that no such person is an employee .
7 As a result , a patient can relate to one group of staff during the waking hours , and knows that the same staff will be caring for him during the night period .
8 Although this technique was originally introduced to investigate the relevance of linear stability theory , it has proved a useful way of controlling flow development and ensuring that the same features are to be observed repeatedly at the same place .
9 P.H. Sawyer has drawn attention to rune stones in Denmark and Västergötland raised in honour of men accorded the English epithet thegn , and concluded that the latter area was the part of Sweden controlled by Cnut , through agents who received a title borne in England by royal subordinates .
10 But we will suppose that our researcher is cautious in making claims , and so might wish to extend the enquiry and see whether the same results can be replicated with different subjects doing different tasks .
11 The only way to test these predictions in the space of a few years is to observe a sufficient number of protons and see if a few decay .
12 ‘ Ring round some of the other magazines and see if the same thing 's happened to them , ’ suggested Alex .
13 South Korean officials also expressed doubts concerning the veracity of the story , and suggested that no such North Korean reports had been monitored in the South .
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