Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 David Hunt from Downing Street told Lascelles that Ramsey had been known to stop in a procession , send for a pair of trousers to replace the wrong ones which he had put on by mistake , and change them in the middle of the aisle .
2 According to Antony the Devil came to tempt and torture him in a variety of fantastical forms from lascivious women to wild beasts .
3 P : I was coming home from a party with Robert Mitchum drinking cider when one of Shane 's gang came out and stabbed me in the arm … ( goes on for about ten more pages — Freudian Ed )
4 He smiled too , and stabbed me in the gut with the gun-barrel hard enough to make me suck in my breath .
5 The prosecution claims that Westmore James got into a row with the cousin , and stabbed him in the neck on the steps of a social security office .
6 She found the rabbit , chewing on a stubby cactus , and stabbed it in the neck .
7 However , he is still obsessed with wood and eating it in the park .
8 Social care in a group care setting covers the time spent talking with and listening to people , hearing their stories , nurturing and encouraging them in the effort to make sense of the later stages of life .
9 Loretta followed her into a spacious drawing-room , and seated herself in a chair to one side of the tiled fireplace , while Veronica took the chair opposite .
10 And she brought forth her first born son , and wrapped him in swaddling clothes , and laid him in a manger. because there was no room for them in the inn .
11 And she brought forth her first-born son , and wrapped him in swaddling clothes , and laid him in a manger ; because there was no room for them in the inn .
12 " And she brought forth her first-born child , and laid him in a manger , because there was no place for them in the inn . "
13 Ivan had wrapped them together in the curtains his mother had made for the sitting room , and laid them in the bottom of the grave .
14 Downstairs , the old man gathered together the piles of coins and laid them in the tin chest .
15 As the half-stifled bees crawled drunkenly across the stone and straw , they swiftly cut most of the heavy slabs of honeycomb off the sticks and laid them in the leather sacks .
16 I snatched up my doll , Topsey , and laid her in the cart and ran after Mum who was half way down the street before I caught her up .
17 She reached for her mother 's photograph and laid it in the case with the rest of the things .
18 On Christmas Eve , 1950 , nationalists stole the Stone of Scone from Westminster Abbey and laid it in the grounds of Arbroath Abbey .
19 I picked up a likely length and laid it in the boat .
20 When they had killed three sheep and roasted them in the middle of the street and ridden off with the rest of the flock , and the cattle and the horses and the hens , we buried the dead — we were at it for most of a day — and then we went off east into Arkaig .
21 ‘ Third Term ’ ( Deltic ) Re-released as a 12-inch , with the added bonus of a stunning acoustic version of ‘ The Newshound ’ ( an acute portrayal of the scum that litter the daily tabloids ) — and rightly so , because quite frankly this puts 90 per cent of single released this year into the shade and kicks them in the teeth to boot .
22 ‘ Third Term ’ ( Deltic ) Re-released as a 12-inch , with the added bonus of a stunning acoustic version of ‘ The Newshound ’ ( an acute portrayal of the scum that litter the daily tabloids ) — and rightly so , because quite frankly this puts 90 per cent of single released this year into the shade and kicks them in the teeth to boot .
23 He has studied the details of their forms and physiognomy and renders them in a manner both truthful and original .
24 Whether this resulted in a concession is not clear , for the authorities appear to have hired and armed a body of men and posted them in the Exchange to arrest the strikers .
25 This is the main reason why I have not until recently felt able to face the task of transcribing them and editing them in the way they .
26 At this stage cut off the complete head and invert it in a paper bag , hanging these in an airy place for a few days until the seeds are quite dry .
27 It 's more a case of conceptual comedy that takes a topical theme like the travellers and tackles it in a right-on way , trying to draw the humour from it .
28 At one time we kept pigs and used to feed them up with the waste food and sell them in the market .
29 In the absence of transactions costs and the option premium this series of contracts would permit the investor to buy the shares at 220p from the writer and sell them in the market for 237p thus gaining a gross profit of 17p per share .
30 First of all , he could borrow dollars from the Fritz Bank and sell them in the spot market for DMs .
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