Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] be a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Cooking and eating it is a grand undertaking .
2 But he discounts the German raid theory and thinks there was a British chemical warfare experiment which went wrong .
3 Seeing birds close up and handling them was a vital part of my education .
4 In Newquay there are both local councillors and members of the town 's surfing community who are looking to shun our work and deny there is a big sewage problem ; in fact , Newquay receives around five million gallons a day off its beaches .
5 Being a true professional , she flashed a smile — as Fred hung on for dear life — and admitted it was a pretty paw show .
6 The new appointments demonstrate a commitment by the Saatchi brothers to restore the company 's fortunes and suggest they are a long way from turning their backs on the business they built .
7 Er most of my points have actually dried up now , sir , in view of what Mr Cunnane has said , and also Mr Jewitt , erm I do actually , I would try to emphasize a point that the people who are proposing new settlements in this location have judiciously avoided the question of need this afternoon , well I think we we almost came to the point this morning that the shortfall was nine hundred and reducing almost on a month by month basis , er one or two quick points I would like to pick up , er in view of the erm small nature or the shortfall in housing supply that we see over the next fifteen years , I can not accept that to avoid the new settlement option would be prejudicial to greenbelt objectives , erm the housing land supply allocations are almost there , there are plans to run through which will un almost inevitably allocate additional sites inside the inner edge of the greenbelt boundary and outside the outer edge of the greenbelt boundary , but both within Greater York , which are bound to assist in making up the shortfall of provision , and probably , if I suspect rightly , would actually exceed it , erm erm I agree with Mr Cunnane on the question of the alternative expansion of existing towns or settlements , the same point really , we 're almost there anyway , the op that option is already there , it 's not that it might be there , it is it is there at the moment , er it 's not a clear expression of local preference , and I would also point out the option of the environmental improvements under the P P G criteria you asked us to look at , erm whether it 's a thousand houses , two thousand , two and a half thousand , whether it has a bowling alley , or a ten pin bowling alley , and a B and Q , and a , probably a Tesco as well , this form of development will not sit comfortably in open countryside , almost , wherever it 's put within the Greater York area , I defy anyone to produce a site where one can satisfactorily put er such a massive form of urban development and suggest it 's a positive environmental improvement .
8 But I think I 'd actually like to support that idea , I think we ought to er er write back to them and say it 's a splendid idea , erm let's have more of it and and thank you to the local government commission for s er seeing to this after a hundred years .
9 ‘ Sometimes he 'd cry about this , ’ she recalls , ‘ and say he was an awful nuisance to me .
10 So , for instance , if you have an argument with the police er on a matter , you might very well have to say to the police , I think officer you were take that and say you 're a lying bastard .
11 Cheese and sprouches There 's a good word for , sprouches
12 I preferred to cross the ferry to the hotel on the other side , and found there was a spare bed though not a spare room .
13 He put up his hands and found it was a long strand of seaweed .
14 My people at the PFA feel that until the League get together and show there is a practical job for me to do , they do n't see why they should let me go . ’
15 He avoided the child-labour inspectors by clamping a cigar between his teeth and pretending he was a forty-five-year-old midget .
16 He resigned to join the private sector and says there was a massive demonstration of at least 5,000 women , marching in his favour , on London 's Hampstead Heath .
17 This shows that the Bristol & West is behind you , and says you 're a genuine , serious house-hunter , with real buying power — to be treated with the greatest respect !
18 Oh yes you know sometimes an artist says the picture is his and two years later he denies and says it 's a false one
19 Della managed to survive the jump and says it was a great experience
20 Five drafts of the relevant passage survive , the first reading ‘ When all 's said and done I 'm a decent man ’ .
21 And then Leicester got the bit between the teeth and scored what was a very goal really by your standards was n't it ?
22 Now , I put it to you that it is obvious that we all know and suspect it is a false prospectus and that the sort of recovery it implies is just not on .
23 The management admit they do n't hire people with beards and growing one is a sackable offence .
24 To undertake training properly and ensure there was a real benefit to the farmers and the industry sufficient time had to be allowed .
25 ‘ It 's my job to provide the service to the public and ensure it is an efficient and professional service .
26 ‘ I can not see anyone doing that this time and providing it is a reasonable pace I will be at the front .
27 In Heidrick and Struggles there is a strong disposition for potential consultants who have a mixture of general consultancy experience and relevant industry knowledge .
28 Information is a raw material like any other and buying it is a sensible thing to do .
29 And facing me was a thoughtful policeman .
30 There was a huge fireplace in one corner , simply crying aloud for masses of logs , and near it was an old settle .
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