Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sunday , then , ’ she said , and damned herself for the note of desperation in her voice .
2 After her marriage Signor Cantoni 's mother had seemed unable to bear a child so she took a large bunch of carnations to the Madonna and asked her for the gift of a baby .
3 At Zog Central they found the policewoman and asked her for the key to their spaceship .
4 I believe she has even phoned an old school friend of mine whom she avowedly dislikes and asked him for the manuscript of a symphony we once composed together .
5 They parked the vehicles and camouflaged themselves for the night , before settling down to cook .
6 He flung the bedcovers off and stood up , shaking and staring wildly into the darkness , trying to identify the threat , knowing it had to be the Corsican and bracing himself for the shotgun blast that would cut him in half , disembowel him , blow his head off , send it bouncing across the floor of the bedroom .
7 If there is a point to saluting the winner of a race , it is ultimately to celebrate his good fortune in being given the natural attributes to do what he does ; and to thank him for the excitement of the spectacle he provides in devoting all his concentrated effort to showing he 's the best .
8 ‘ I came to apologise for hitting you , ’ she began determinedly , ‘ and to thank you for the cheque . ’
9 Dirichlet , appalled by this , grabbed the page from Gauss and treasured it for the rest of his life .
10 No , well they 've actually done something this time , the accountant 's going to be there , I mean when we went last time they just said we know nothing about running a hall , we bought you here to tell us and charged us for the privilege .
11 They have accepted us and used us for the furthering of the Kingdom here in Taquaral .
12 The promise of high rewards is necessary to provide an incentive to encourage people to undergo this training and to compensate them for the sacrifice involved .
13 ‘ The money is a bona fide payment in thanks for your co-operation and to compensate you for the upheaval .
14 Fortunately , modern enclosures are slowly replacing these cages which are cramped and provide nothing for the animal .
15 As in Between , the binary definitions on which structuralist theory is founded receive parodic treatment which voids them of their original function and uses them for the purpose of telling the tale(s) of the novel .
16 His great-uncle took Charles under his wing and prepared him for the job ahead .
17 They are narrative , and tell us of a situation , or prepare us for some significant message : Once having told us the story , set the mood , and prepared us for the shout of a choir of angels , Handel could paint a triumphant musical fresco with just a few poetic words :
18 He straightened his tie and steeled himself for the meeting .
19 Time was the theme that fired his heart as a young student and affected him for the rest of his life .
20 I should n't be surprised if Hollywood sends a plane to bomb the Indians and punish them for the death of Matt .
21 The Chancellor gradually retired from acting as judge of first instance , and reserved himself for the Court of Appeal in Chancery and for the House of Lords .
22 Welcome back to Central News South : Coming up in a few minutes , the farmer who 's taken maternity hospital technology and adapted it for the lambing season .
23 But he would concede nothing , and in the end I gave him a dry little bow and thanked him for the tea .
24 in the end , Graham decided to donate the tank , equipment and fish and maintain it for the hospital free of charge .
25 She had n't told him much except that she did not like her neighbour Fireman Mosse and blamed him for the death of his wife .
26 ‘ Before training , Barry called a meeting and said the chairman had accused us of being greedy bastards and blamed us for the fine .
27 At this point she burst into tears and blamed herself for the break-up of their relationship .
28 When they reached the next chamber he extinguished it and exchanged it for the torch .
29 Even though I have chained and muzzled you for the wolf you are , still your eyes challenge and your mind defies . ’
30 And braced myself for the deluge of his anger .
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