Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] as an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It has been stated that the principle of primogenital succession was increasingly observed in the eleventh century ; but there was a substantial difference between accepting the customary right of the eldest son to succeed , if he were of age and competent , and accepting it as an inviolable rule , as was proved by the usurpation of Robert the Frisian , and perhaps also by the succession of Raymond IV of Toulouse ( though here the facts are rather uncertain ) .
2 I supervised her professional training while she was working at the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute at Penicuik , and appointed her as an Assistant Librarian at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh just over a year ago .
3 Some elements in the Argentine military , along with members of the opposition UCR , characterized the abandonment of the missile programme as a capitulation to US demands , and described it as an irresponsible move at a time when Chile was suspected to be seeking a new missile .
4 In financing the development at home and abroad of the railways , it made possible the enormous growth in the production first of iron , later of steel , which characterised the secondary stage of the Industrial Revolution and guaranteed it as an irreversible change .
5 Why note use a battery-backed SRAM ( static random access memory ) in place of the EEPROM , plugging it directly onto the computer bus and treating it as an other RAM in the system ?
6 In effect the people working in the industry were to take it over and to run it as an industrial co-operative , organised nationally .
7 The company reckons that it maintained its position as the leading supplier of computers to UK education , and established itself as an important supplier to the home market , and made good progress in Australia and New Zealand through the subsidiaries there .
8 If you wish , you can copy this and use it as an ongoing walking record after the 30 days .
9 ‘ But Miss Everdene can do as she likes , and she 's chosen to manage her own farm — and keep me as an ordinary shepherd only . ’
10 Flynn , of course , meant that the English government was uncaring and malignant — out to break Ireland and keep her as an inexhaustible well of cheap labour and a fertile nursery for the British army .
11 The gains would far outweigh the losses , provided Britain made full use of all her bargaining strength , and offered herself as an equal partner and not as a beggar .
12 One day when Mr Rochester was out alone on business , a stranger arrived in a carriage , and introduced himself as an old friend of the master 's .
13 She had misunderstood the subtleties of their relationship and cast him as an ineffectual married man , always complaining of his wife , always on the chat-up , but never getting any further than that .
14 With the rise of theories purporting to identify this phenomenon of underdevelopment and to explain it as an active process in the global strategy of capitalist exploitation , First , Second and Third Worlds , despite the emphasis on the nation-state , were usually conceptualized as relatively undifferentiated objects .
15 And treat it as an outdoor room , not just another part of a garden .
16 WordPerfect have found the multi-tasking capabilities of OS/2 valuable and see it as an important platform for future development .
17 It is as a stranger that I greet my own self , and see it as an unknown fellow traveller through time .
18 This account revokes the tendency of psychoanalysis to slide into an ego psychology , which equates the unconscious with the id , and treats it as an interesting but manageable phenomenon , the stuff on which the profession 's skill is demonstrated .
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