Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [noun pl] over the " in BNC.

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1 There 's a man cooking chestnuts on the corner and I stop and warm my hands over the fire and look at the Christmas tree .
2 Richie turned round and hooked his arms over the fence .
3 He moved out on to the starboard wing and trained his glasses over the starboard quarter .
4 He smiled , holding the hollowed column lovingly between his hands and smoothing his fingers over the spiralling pattern of the wu-tu , the ‘ five noxious creatures ’ — toad , scorpion , snake , centipede and gecko — then drew it on , easing himself into its oiled soft-leather innards and fastening its leather straps about his waist .
5 Robbie had to fight down an impulse to reach out and run her fingers over the dark mat .
6 On evening walks down Loreto , a lane of high stone walls , trying to decide on a restaurant , I would stop and run my hands over the ashlars , marvelling at the purity of each one as I have marvelled at the completeness of a sculpture by Brancusi ; each of them so tightly locked together that I found it impossible to fit a fingernail between them .
7 Do n't let your feet roll inwards and keep your knees over the toes !
8 I used to take it out sometimes , undo the little golden clasp , and run my fingers over the softness of the velvet inside .
9 Not the most patient young lady in the world , Dolly sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed .
10 Robinson yawned and swung his feet over the side of the bunk .
11 Dominic , and swung his legs over the side of the bed .
12 With the power of her eyes alone she had compelled a glass of water to tip and spill its contents over the horrible Headmistress , and anybody who could do that could do anything .
13 We are , in the practicalities , preserving many of the characteristics of the poll tax that have plagued and complicated our lives over the past two or three years .
14 A bespectacled man with stand-up hair , who has taken his shoes off and hung his feet over the arm of the chair .
15 Lightning flashed at the reception windows , as if a power line had snapped and trailed its cables over the window .
16 The bag came down with a thud and spilt its contents over the bare oak planks .
17 Donna put down the note and ran her hands over the paper , as if trying to smooth out the creases .
18 I went over and ran my fingers over the length of the flexor tendons , feeling for signs of thickening .
19 He avoided Alexei 's eyes , and ran his fingers over the grain of the layers of wood and horn which were compressed between the clamps .
20 For this reason the campaigning elements of the organization — and that includes many of the 80,000 British members who undertake to be active on Amnesty 's behalf — have increased and refined their methods over the years .
21 At first Stuart had been excited by the sight of an occasional fish rising out of the sluggish water , but later he 'd grown bored because he was too small to row successfully , and trailing his hands over the side apparently disturbed the fish ; baling out with the old saucepan also made too much noise .
22 Very slowly I took my weight on the good hand and slid my feet over the rim of the tub .
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