Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [prep] [be] a " in BNC.

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1 He often says unkind things to me , blaming me for the break-up of our marriage and accusing me of being a useless wife .
2 Jamie has no demons like you and defies you with being a skunk Repulsive to humanity and most of the animal kingdom , but irresistible to another skunk !
3 On closer inspection the bundle of rags rose and revealed itself to be a woman , filthy dirty , her skin so grimy she was almost invisible in the gloom .
4 Yeah and she 's totally focused , she 's er , I think she 's got two children erm her husbands works , she 's got two children she 's brought up and developed herself to be a branch manager or assistant branch manager er she 's got a degree h now do n't listen to this Lorraine , who it said mid thirties
5 He can simply state in evidence that he examined the licence and found it to be a current provisional .
6 The man took a couple of steps back as they headed for him ; but then they stopped , as if they 'd sensed his fury and found it to be a wall that they hesitated to scale .
7 Changing direction , she hurried towards the place , and found it to be a large open space , surrounded by little shops , their shutters closed now , but by the legends she could just see painted above their doors they were given over to trade .
8 All she knew of Travis was that he despised her and believed her to be a thief .
9 And , just over the hill at North Stainmore , at Dummah Hill , Great-Uncle Isaac Bayles was looking after Daddy , and training him to be a farmer .
10 In 797 Alcuin wrote to Cenwulf praising his goodness and nobility and exhorting him to be a model Christian king .
11 She could see Alison 's roses and felt them to be a rebuke .
12 In fact , Theda thought it a beautiful old building , and felt it to be a pity that it should have been allowed to go to rack .
13 Ramsey thought this an injustice ; he decided that his bishop was vague and naïve in his theology , someone who took up new ideas with enthusiasm and with very little precision of thought ; and yet he saw that the bishop disliked controversy and was hurt by it , and thought him to be a friend and a man of prayer .
14 For a moment she was taken aback , realising for the first time that she had n't explained herself very well , then , gathering her wits together , she retorted briskly , ‘ If you had n't assaulted me and accused me of being a burglar I would have told you that the Svend I 'm looking for is a student who met my sister at the Roskilde music festival and afterwards entertained her and her friends here in this apartment for several nights . ’
15 Kiwi captain Martin Crowe said Aqib had sworn at umpire Brian Aldridge and accused him of being a cheat .
16 It had a tarnished brass knocker showing a pixie cobbling shoes and declaring itself to be a present from Cornwall .
17 He had encountered most of these in the early days of political socialism in this country and considered them to be a thoroughly unreliable lot .
18 Multiple Configurations — you may remember we reviewed EasyBoot in the December issue of PPC , and considered it to be a great boon .
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