Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [noun sg] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 His support of plots against Beaton in 1544 and 1545 came to fruition in May 1546 , when a group of Fifeshire lairds headed by Norman Leslie , son of the earl of Rothes , broke into the episcopal castle at St Andrews , murdered the cardinal and slung his body over the castle walls ; the murderers , henceforth known as the Castalians , barricaded themselves inside the castle , which they held as a Protestant stronghold .
2 I recall my partner panting , puffing and praying his way over a traverse which in no way resembled the route description , to arrive with abject horror at my belay .
3 Hire a small cruiser and slip her coffin over the side in some ocean that might have some special meaning for her ?
4 Willie sat back on the pouffe and traced his finger over the pictures .
5 He knocked on the wall for the boy from the cafe next door to come in , and indicated his usual order with a nod ; to the other company , he raised a slow hand , palm over his breast but not touching it , and bent his head over the paper .
6 It 's laughable , afraid of a storm but brave enough to wait in the dark down by the river and bash your friend over the head .
7 He scorned the use of a periscope , and stood and poked his head over the parapet .
8 For a moment he stood , defeated , but then , memory working overtime , he moved into the garage , opened the door of the Rolls , and shone his torch over the dashboard .
9 She made Maggie kneel down and lean her head over the bathtub , just as she had when Maggie had to have her hair washed as a little child .
10 Owen found a hole in the wall , used it as a stepping place and swung his leg over the top .
11 On Dec. 7 the Zaïrean government asked for the action to be suspended and expressed its indignation over the manner in which its nationals had been expelled " in spite of the blood ties " between the two countries .
12 Gently , he nudged aside the silken folds of her robe , and brushed his mouth over the creamy expanse of her flesh , his tongue dipping lightly to taste the shadowed valley between her breasts .
13 After some thought , she pulled a chair in front of the hole and hung her coat over the back , so that the hole was blocked up .
14 I slid awkwardly across to the bathroom and hung my head over the lavatory-pan .
15 After a short , ugly pause , Toby came up behind me and hung his handkerchief over the mirror with a mortician 's gesture .
16 The teams pushed and pulled their way over the deck .
17 To gain and maintain his hold over the Company Sulivan had to become a formidable politician and he inevitably made many enemies .
18 Those who did well out of coffee growing started employing labourers and consolidated their control over the best land .
19 His ideal was ‘ the complete sympathy of complete detachment ’ , but in practice he distanced himself from his subjects and stressed his severity over the underlying sympathy .
20 It imported saltpetre from Sicily , used local charcoal and exported its produce over the bumpy roads to Maidstone , a rather hair-raising journey .
21 This is an obnoxious requirement designed to suit the water board 's storage calculations and not the consumer 's wishes , ; you can determine which system is installed by turning on each tap in turn and putting your thumb over the outlet .
22 Manville took a good gulp and appraised his superior over the rim of the glass .
23 She turned to sign for the gear , and ran her eye over the other signatures on the page .
24 Then she knelt down and ran her finger over a bullet hole .
25 Benin peered inside the van and ran his hand over the British-made Carl Gustav missile launcher .
26 Minutes later he turned up , briskly efficient , and ran his eye over the patient and the charts .
27 Kaufman , 1960:154–5 ) and threaten their control over the design of consents .
28 She sat up and tugged her shirt over the hopeless tangle of her hair .
29 Amiss arranged himself more comfortably in his armchair and dangled his leg over the arm .
30 She swallowed and slid her leg over the saddle behind him , and he put her feet on the rests and told her to wrap her arms round him .
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