Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [adj] of the " in BNC.

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1 Here lived Gottfried Keller ( 1819–90 ) , the Swiss poet and novelist whose carefully crafted short stories embrace both humour and a touching romanticism , and make him one of the most important figures of Swiss literature .
2 It you are not happy with the service you are receiving from your dealer then contact the Customer Relations Manager ( Mr Jefferies ) at Land Rover 021–722 2424 and make him aware of the situation .
3 Mr Collin has been urged by councillors to write to Darlington MP Michael Fallon and make him aware of the collection problems faced by the council .
4 A different direction is taken by projects such as DASI ( Developing Anti-Sexist Initiatives ) where the aim is ‘ to give girls a positive self-image , and make them aware of the way society controls them rather than to direct them into ‘ male ’ areas of study or work' ( Whyld 1983 , p. 303 ) .
5 And made him one of the leading authorities on the fourteenth century , which was arguably the most terrible century that had ever been , at least until the present one .
6 This enabled him to tell old jokes as if they were new and made him one of the ‘ all time great ’ story tellers .
7 The immediate popularity and novelty of ITV 's programmes forced the BBC to review its output and made it aware of the need to survive in an increasingly competitive environment .
8 He looked round and found himself three-quarters of the way down the bath .
9 Ratagan was leaning across the table and pouring him some of the dark , malty beer , but he could make no sense out of the big man 's words .
10 I 'll keep the boy close by me when we look for the treasure ; then , when we have both ship and treasure , we 'll persuade Jim to join us , and give him some of the treasure for all his help . ’
11 er I mean it depends I suppose the extent to which there 's any tutorial element but I mean erm whether they have you there for a week or something and teach you some of the practical
12 right a and get them some of the skills that 're required and hopefully that 'll help out
13 He explains : ‘ This is because Alex Ferguson helped me on my way in football when I was 14 years old , and taught me most of the things I took with me from Aberdeen . ’
14 GEORGE HERRINGSHAW/ASP Bryan Gunn : ‘ Alex Ferguson helped me on my way in football when I was 14 years old , and taught me most of the things I took with me from Aberdeen ’
15 Maggie asked breathlessly , sitting wide-eyed and making no move to stop him when his hands went to her hair and pulled it free of the restraining band .
16 She felt comfortable in casual clothes and wore them most of the time , but she found herself wishing that , just for once , she had put on something rather more dressy .
17 He reached down , gripped the limp corpse of the driver by the blood-sodden collar of its coat , and heaved it clear of the car one-handed .
18 Ruth put the shell away in the safest pocket of her waterproof , and gave him one of the chocolate bars .
19 Salt is effective by stimulating the taste buds of the tongue and making them aware of the basic tastes of the food being eaten .
20 It 's not her dying while he 's there that panics him , I reckon ; it 's the thought of something messy or perhaps her dipping into another decade and making him one of the period characters .
21 Watching a small , speckled lizard sunning himself on the trunk of one of the trees , Luce made an attempt to push her uneasy fancies aside and fulfil her half of the bargain .
22 ‘ We asked for ordinary Russians , but the embassy must have misunderstood and sent us some of the country 's creme de la creme .
23 So he says , ‘ Okay , ’ takes a 1-iron and leaves it short of the bunker , and then knocks his second on to the green .
24 PASSIONATE songs and groovy diversions and a voice that cracks and soars and makes you aware of the rich possibilities of your lot , instead of burying your feelings in a horrible , orthodox genre .
25 Robyn strolled up the shopping mall with its glass and fancy tiles and green lush plants , which gave it the strange appearance of a tropical jungle littered with high-street stores , and considered which one of the high-class boutiques she should enter first .
26 But tonight she does n't , she soaps Xanthe , urges Miranda to rub and rinse , then helps Xanthe up and lifts her clear of the edge of the tub , on to the mat , and wraps her in a pale green towel and sits her on her lap , spreading her knees to fit her on , as Xanthe is getting big for this babying , but still enjoys it , as does Serafine .
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