Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The hens moved carefully about , picking their way on their spindly yellow legs , muttering comfortably to each other and darting their heads to the ground every so often in pursuit of something delicious .
2 He was a ‘ prodigal who is brought kicking , struggling , resentful and darting his eyes in every direction for a chance of escape ’ .
3 If Saint Winifred did indeed conceive and decree her departure with the wagon for Ramsey , and if a saint 's plans can not be disrupted by man , then surely she must also have willed all that happened after … the ambush by outlaws , the theft of the cart and team , the abandonment of the load , and with it , her reliquary , to be found by my tenants , and brought to me here .
4 This quantum will disturb the particle and change its velocity in a way that can not be predicted .
5 Satisfied , he knelt and cleansed his hands in a pool of salt water and walked back down to where the ferryman was patiently waiting for him .
6 The acquisition will allow Quatro to widen its product portfolio and develop its strengths in the clinical sector .
7 You will need to have an impressive knowledge of research techniques linked with outstanding management skills to manage a young , dynamic team , and develop their work within the organisation 's changing structure .
8 Entrants had to pick one of the four sections and develop their design from the abstract ideas that they found there .
9 If his leaning is towards the physical side , or his leaning towards to biological side , to take chemistry , biology and physics , to take those subjects in the sixth form at A level , and then come straight to university and develop his inclinations in the way that he is here to do .
10 That voice is ever changing as we learn and develop our technique as a group .
11 1.21 In chapter 7 we rework and develop our rationale on the place of literature in the English curriculum 5 to 16 .
12 I have wept copiously and shared my feelings with a woman , that is , my intended .
13 The captain then signs the bills of lading and precedes his signature with a statement that shipment is subject to charter party conditions .
14 Nothing daunted , the committee members set to ; they contacted friends and acquaintances on other islands , they studied ferry time-tables , and planned their campaign with a speed which matched that which had equipped the Law Centre .
15 We parked in the small village of Marloes and planned our route on the map .
16 Once Smith finally began to criticise union influence in the party and voiced his preference for an electoral college composed solely of MPs and individual members , Gould penned a letter to the Guardian promising to strengthen rather than loosen union links .
17 The worms can only live in compostable material so there 's no fear of them making a bid for freedom and eating their way through the vegetable patch .
18 She reached for the little wrist and laid her fingers against the inside .
19 Jim , seated , or perched on his chair , could not settle , but got up and stumbled about , laughing helplessly , or sat and laid his head on the table and laughed , sounding as if he wept , then in an excess of happiness and gratitude , banged his two fists on either side of his head , which banging turned into a little sharp jubilant rhythm .
20 He pushed back the chairs and laid his blankets on the floor to fall asleep , as always , the moment he closed his eyes .
21 ‘ Shall we sit here ? ’ asked David gently , and laid his jacket on the grass .
22 Naturally , Hannah had to take her place on the Baldersdale treadmill , working to the orders of her uncle in the fields ( her father died when she was an infant ) and assisting her mother in the kitchen and wash house .
23 He went up and clapped my master on the shoulder .
24 Language , like consciousness , is a function of practical activity or labour and constitutes its extension into a social form .
25 He laid it down on a rock and plunged his arm in the sack once more .
26 There are others who are n't even dancing : one who has just gone over to the veranda and plunged his hand into the vat of boiling oil so he could offer a hot puri to a child in tears : another who is standing in the midst of the dancers being continually buffeted as they come and go , and hungrily eating a plateful of raw rice grains .
27 Most pilots do not instinctively look across and compare their height with the trees unless they have been taught to do so , and more often than not a pilot will try to judge by angles and positioning alone .
28 They cantered down into the village and led their horses into the graveyard .
29 Then she stood up and led her friend to the door .
30 With this message already composed in his mind , William Joyce picked up the suitcases and led his wife from the echoing terminus of glass and iron .
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