Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 MOLLY SCRUTTON 's interest in movement began at an early age and led her to join a junior dance group and later a gymnastics club .
2 This proposal aroused very considerable opposition from many of the institutions concerned and NAB itself made a reasoned case for some amendment , which appears to have made some impact .
3 Athelstan tossed her a coin and asked her to bring a fresh tankard and some wine whilst he roused Sir John .
4 It was then that I knew I could have a fight on my hands : If the manager sided with him and asked me to move a few feet away then I 'd have no choice but to join in the squabble .
5 A woman drove a van into the garage at Cooksdown in County Tyrone and asked him to fit a new exhaust .
6 On 18 August it met with the Health Authority 's officials and asked them to conduct a public health survey which it would pay for , mainly to reassure the public that , although the EC limits for aluminium had been exceeded over 500 times , and those for sulphate , copper , zinc and lead had also been broken , there was no long-term harm .
7 This Manifesto is about making our country respected and secure , and helping you achieve a better , safer and more prosperous future .
8 Things have been patched up between us by Lord Coleworthy , who likes me and thinks I do a good job .
9 In 1990 , he was charged with applying for a copy of a birth certificate in that name and using it to make a fraudulent passport application .
10 ‘ It looks as if they were interrupted at their meal , ’ he remarked , righting the overturned stool and using it to indicate a soiled trencher and several dusty earthenware mugs on the table .
11 ‘ We collected 30 bags of rubbish in one day , and realised we had a serious problem , ’ he says ‘ From then on I decided to blitz the village a couple of days every week .
12 She swung her heavily stuffed silver-mesh purse on its long chain and made something like a little skipping step towards the door Nicandra thought she had never looked prettier .
13 They would not let her speak at table and made her wear a white canvas apron and a short gown ‘ so that she should be held a fool ’ ; but , said Margery with unholy self-satisfaction , ‘ she was held in more worship than they were , wherever they went ’ .
14 Until the Annan Committee knocked BBC and ITV heads together and made them run a joint system of audience measurement , ITV relied mainly on counting the number of sets switched on and the BBC used sample surveys and audience ‘ diaries ’ .
15 PC-ometer We take the three ratings — CPU , DISK and VIDEO and combine them to get an overall performance mark .
16 Reporter asks : And has he got a bright future ?
17 Send a man into the field only half-armed with the facts and expect him to do a professional job .
18 Although languages differ in the extent to which they regularly specify the gender of human referents ( cf. English they and French ils/elles ) , we all readily recognize the distinction and expect it to reflect a genuine aspect of experience .
19 Has my hon. Friend seen the latest survey from the Institute of Purchasing and Supply which publishes a regular report based on surveys of purchasing managers throughout British industry , studying their purchasing activities and intentions .
20 Erm if the water 's very high and say we have a little a little pipe coming through there in the bottom .
21 They write of " Moille of Keann-outh , or Mull of Oe " and say they found a cheerful and commodious hotel at Port Askaig " nestled securely among well-grown trees . "
22 They write of " Moille of Keann-outh , or Mull of Oe " and say they found a cheerful and commodious hotel at Port Askaig " nestled securely among well-grown trees . "
23 However , as professionals they were not content to act as mere checkers , but felt that they had an obligation to express an opinion of the work they saw before them , and found they had an extraordinary agreement with the views of Burn , much to the resentment of other judges .
24 A disgruntled postman rang up a radio chat show to complain , and found himself spearheading an anti-Florio movement that culminated in 50,000 people marching on the state capitol .
25 Dr Nick Walters , exercise physiologist at the University of Westminster , tested Margaret on his Futrex 5000 computer , which analyses body muscle , fat and water , and found she had a fat proportion of 28 per cent — well above her recommended level of 22 per cent .
26 He sneaked a look at her , and found he had an excellent view of the back of her head ; she was staring out of the passenger window at the darkening vista of St James 's Park .
27 Led by this hint they opened the ground not far from the wall ; and not much more than a foot away from the surface they found a leaden envelope which they opened in two places , on the face and breast , and found it contained a human body wrapped in cerecloth : Upon removing what covered the face , they discovered the features , and particularly the eyes , in perfect preservation .
28 She chose left , descended a further long flight and found herself facing a closed door marked ‘ Fire Exit ’ .
29 And forgive me asking an indelicate question but how are you off for money — on the whole trip ?
30 ‘ Foreigners who live in cities and criticise us have a bunny-love approach .
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