Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It means instead the end of childhood and freedom , the beginning of a new life as a slave and chattel at the bottom of a hierarchy in someone else 's family .
2 Kids too sick to raise their heads , lying soft and limp beneath the burden of heart disease , kidney failure and cancers that eat everything but innocence .
3 After the initiation of Clelia , she was to Clara less Surprising than she might otherwise have been , for the resemblance between mother and daughter was marked : the features were the same , though worn and lined by grooves deeper than mere wrinkles : the set of the conscious , curious head was the same , and the hair was the same , though streaked with white , and hanging with the benefits of expense , as well as of style .
4 Driving through the market place I thought again that Darrowby on Christmas Day was like Dickens come to life ; the empty square with the snow thick on the cobbles and hanging from the eaves of the fretted lines of roofs ; the shops closed and the coloured lights of the Christmas trees winking at the windows of the clustering houses , warmly inviting against the cold white bulk of the fells behind .
5 The situation has improved in many ways , but it is not easy to overcome the problems created by natural obstacles and compounded by the legacy of centuries of neglect .
6 The edict of Guntram issued at Péronne , and appended to the canons of the Council of Mâcon of 585 , continues royal involvement in ecclesiastical legislation , with an attack on Sunday work , and by backing the force of the canons with secular sanctions .
7 And if you found that you had entered the company of players , of actors , of those descended from strolling vagabonds and historically always noted and envied for the looseness of their morals , then all your Christmases came at once .
8 There has been a lot of research and change in the treatment of mental illness or frailty over the last few years .
9 Your speaking of the balance between tradition and change in the evolution of art raises a crucial question : I mean the question of progress .
10 These features of family life — which it should be re-emphasized are indicators of , rather than the reasons for , problems — include the age and maturity of the parents , burdens carried by a family , consistency and change in the lives of children , dynamics and support within the family , and the experiences and characteristics of individual family members .
11 And the scene of the burning of the books , seen on film by her many times , was as vivid as an actual memory : Hitler 's jack-booted thugs in their brown shirts , swastikas on their arms , heaving the books from the Library and heaping the heritage of the world on to a pyre , dancing and gloating as the flames consumed book after book , volume after volume : Heine , Schiller , Brecht , Thomas Mann , Einstein , Freud , Marx : history , poetry , novels , science , the works of philosophers , psychologists — men and women who had dedicated their lives for the betterment of the brutes who burned their books ; brutes living in utter ignorance , leading lives as dull and limited as the beasts of the fields , inspired only by resentment , vile prejudice , and blind hatred of what they could not understand , and , it was true , victims themselves of poverty and ignorance seeking victims in their turn — and finding them .
12 Now you may be thinking that these options sound very dramatic and limited in the context of social chit-chat .
13 He engages with a sense of Being eternally present , not driven and limited by the demands of time .
14 Bradley finds it hard to imagine ‘ a stockbroker and a labourer screaming and bellowing in the wilds of Dorset ’ , but at the same time , he suspects that perhaps British men might get some benefit out of it .
15 The subscription rates shall be subject to review from time to time and altered on the recommendation of the Finance Committee with the agreement of the Executive Committee .
16 Once we see that the relationship between a set of explanatory principles and the more specific analyses offered by social scientists must be a reciprocal one we are able to benefit from the fact that , just as social scientific practice is moulded by existing views of explanation , so those views can be refined and altered by the impact of practice .
17 Even liberals believed that the colonies would remain loyal if they received economic benefits and shared in the ideals of liberty , equality and fraternity , which France provided through her ‘ civilising mission ’ .
18 Many microorganisms enter the body via the respiratory tract and those who have colds , for example , should minimise the spray from their sneezing and coughing by the use of a paper tissue which can be disposed of safely after one use .
19 With the commanding posture that was the unmistakable and indelible mark of St. Cyr , and clad in the uniform of ‘ horizon blue ’ , there was no more impressive sight on a French parade ground .
20 In Incredible Era , a book on the corruption of the Harding years in the Twenties , historian Samuel Adams wrote , ‘ A president is measured , weighed and catalogued by the character of his chosen intimates . ’
21 He did n't know the doctor and was very disorientated and frightened for the rest of that day and the next ; but on the following one it was as if it had never happened .
22 She felt infantilised by them , but also felt bitterly that they were not fair , and she was bored and frightened at the thought of remaining bored all her life .
23 She curled up in the darkest corner , pillowing her head on her arm , and clung to the memory of four hours before , when the time had stilled and she had been not , sweet tearing bliss … .
24 We watched the emergence of one moth ; it crept out from its pale yellow papery cocoon , and clung to the stem of grass to which the cocoon had been fixed with silken threads .
25 A string of mucus hung from her left nostril and clung to the curve of her lipsticked mouth ; the waitresses kept looking across at the table .
26 You have only to think of the situation in which a mother is terrified of thunder and panics whenever she hears it , rushing to close the curtains and to cower in the corner of the room .
27 The breakdown of capitalism and the advent of a new form of society are conceived and explained as the outcome of the way a particular structure — the capitalist mode of production and capitalist society — works , not as the product of a historical process ; and the post-capitalist societies which can be foreseen , or which actually exist , may be as varied as were feudal societies or the absolutist states .
28 None of the studies presents an operative model ( Rosener , in our opinion , comes closest , but her model , as she shows herself , is more heuristic than empirical ) , and so in the next section a model will be set out and explained in the light of the evaluation criteria for participation and effectiveness put forward in the first two sections of this paper .
29 In section 4.2 , demand-deficient unemployment is defined and explained in the context of a Keynesian model and its possible causes are discussed .
30 Owen Glendower , lord of Glyndyfrdwy and Cynllaith , and master of most of North Wales , came south that June into central Wales , his raiding parties materialising like shapes of flashing , thundery sunlight out of the rains and mists of the hills , and eating at the borders of the Mortimer lordships in Radnorshire .
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