Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Baldwin contemplated all this at Aix , and made up his mind both to go for protection and to put at risk the first independent Conservative majority for two decades .
2 Sporting stars pounded track , tennis balls or each other one minute and appeared on screen the next — or in celebrity quiz and talk shows later on .
3 She could be bluffing we do n't that do we for certain erm yes we have got one who will accept the salary yes we could take one from outside the field that 's why I wanted this deadline so if we do n't get the increase in salary by this date we can then start planning and take on board the second tier level
4 Now she left with plastic bags full of washing and returned after lunch the next day with Hugh 's shirts , Molly 's dresses and the children 's T-shirts and jeans beautifully ironed .
5 If Bede is to be believed , Oswine proved an attractive ruler who gained the admiration of Aidan , which suggests that Oswiu faced a dangerous rival in this Deiran king whom he eventually out-manoeuvred and slew by treachery the ninth year of the latter 's reign ( HE 111 , 14 ) .
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