Example sentences of "and [verb] [verb] [pron] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 As a result , an agreement was signed that about 50 rebel leaders could return to Nicaragua on condition that , like the returning contras , they renounced the armed struggle and illegal activities and agreed to incorporate themselves into the political system .
2 Comedian and writer Ben Miller has the answers , and has incorporated them into a tribute performance , Gone With Noakes ( playing at Covent Garden 's Donmar Warehouse on Dec 4–5 ) .
3 As she leaned into the car , the attacker grabbed her and tried to pull her into the vehicle .
4 As he approached the water she begged him to come with her and tried to drag him into the sea .
5 A dozen policemen rushed into the room and tried to herd everyone into the corners .
6 Robyn headed the jeep up the by now familiar track to the barn and tried to get herself into the right frame of mind .
7 She rummaged in her handbag for the key on its wooden key ring and tried to fit it into the lock .
8 Oh who cares , I thought , and tried to bundle her into the bag right away .
9 It looked as if the builder had started off with the plans of a Tudor manor house , swapped them for an Early English cathedral in mid-storey , and then suffered a total loss of confidence and tried to convert it into a Dutch barn .
10 He has bought the rights to a steamy book by Darling Buds Of May author H. E. Bates and plans to turn it into a TV movie starring his wife .
11 Naihe from Ka'u on the Big Island was so expert a surfer that his fellow chiefs grew jealous and plotted to lure him into a surfing contest in which he would die .
12 He was much the same height as Hotspur , and much the same build , though twenty years at least older , and a century more crafty , and there was always the curious suggestion about him that he was ready and waiting to fit himself into the void if ever Hotspur slipped out of being .
13 The snow would certainly invade the tops of her boots when she stepped out of the car , and she swore softly in Ruthenian as she retrieved the groceries from the floor of the car and turned to carry them into the house .
14 Turn round ! girl , ’ and swung her round by the shoulders , and while holding her with one hand she ripped the pieces of tape from the end of each plait , before she tore at the hair until it hung in uneven strands ; then she almost lifted Millie from the floor as , using both hands now , she drew the strands together and began forming them into a tight rope-like plait .
15 Suddenly , in mid-song , Dylan stopped playing and began to mumble something into the microphone , off on his own personal tangent .
16 Collecting the trowel , she bent down and began stabbing it into the bigger clumps of earth to break them up .
17 Silver roused the others and began to coax them into the field .
18 Leo carried the pile of crockery into the kitchen and began to load it into the dishwasher .
19 This enables us to use a stereotaxic instrument to guide probes like lesion-making electrodes into the brain at known distances in front of , to one side of , and below one of these landmarks and guarantee to get it into a selected subcortical area .
20 Lacuna took it , held it above her head , and started to slide it into the implant .
21 I dashed into a record shop , begged a loan of the album , transferred it onto cassette in Dixon 's next door , sped back to the hall and managed to shove it into the system just as the chairman announced it and the audience was standing .
22 ‘ And , later on , will you be a domineering husband and try to turn me into a docile , obedient wife ? ’
23 The examination of the techniques that humans employ when reading and try to incorporate them into a computational system is therefore worthwhile .
24 Take the cards in turn and try to think them into the matter for negotiation .
25 It is out of this divided and constrained perspective that we have developed the materialistic theory of evolution and try to fit everything into the confines of such a bleak and narrow view .
26 He said he supposed it was and offered to show them into the Intensive Care room which had a hot drinks machine .
27 A crude summary of this political position would be that child care policies remove the children of the poor and attempt to absorb them into the middle class .
28 Alright , what you did n't see , and I 've talked to the man who made the video , and he tells me that in fact — as played in slow motion , it does definitely show that Martin Foyle as the ball was going goalward , got the final touch to the ball and did put it into the net , no doubt that in fact it was Foyle 's goal .
29 The corporatist view , by perceiving the company as a unit which welds together the interests of its participants into a harmonious common purpose defined as the public good , seems to draw on the ideal of community and seeks to inject it into an area which the dominant legal ideology regulates through contract and hierarchy .
30 Corbett suddenly grasped that the Bishop , like others , really believed he was here for other reasons and hoped to trap him into an admission .
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