Example sentences of "and [noun] be [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 My younger brother and sister were in the same room , sleeping in bunk beds .
2 Anthers and styles are at the same level , and less spectacularly coloured .
3 It makes a triangle with Beta and 16 Libræ ( 4.5 ) ; using × 7 , Delta and Beta are in the same field , but Beta and 16 are not .
4 The bed and bedhead are from the same era and are made of brass .
5 Taken together these properties mean that if A is in the same class , or category , as B , B is in the same category as A , and that if A and B are in the same category , and B and C , then A and C are in the same class .
6 You and Matthew are about the same age .
7 Alpha , Beta and Delta are in the same × 12 field .
8 Theta and Eta are in the same × 7 field with p and the obviously reddish q , as well as the open cluster NGC 3114 , which is not bright , but is easy to see with × 7 and very obvious with any higher magnification .
9 There is no telling how many borrowers and banks are in the same bind , but it is familiar to householders , who have found that they can neither keep up with their mortgages or sell their houses on terms which would not bankrupt them .
10 I suppose he and Sam were about the same age , 15 or 16 .
11 Quite a few leading conductors have started life as orchestral players : Münch and Kempe were in the same orchestra , the Leipzig Gewandhaus , at the same time .
12 Apart from the features just mentioned , the important characteristic of a hall church is that the vaults of nave , choir and aisles are of the same height .
13 The vaults of nave and aisles are of the same height and both are quadripartite .
14 But basically , although Brescia , , and Pisa are in the same league as Notts County , how they er fare in the competition does n't really bother Notts County er as apart from their games against Notts .
15 The communications infrastructure required by the student management system is also provided by the computer centre : all of the terminals and printers are in the same cross-campus network as the many hundreds of terminals for academic use ( in open access terminal rooms , staff offices , laboratories , etc . ) .
16 By contrast , wherever managers and subordinates are in the same layer separated only by pay grade — subordinates see the boss as too close , breathing down their necks , and they identify their ‘ real ’ boss as the next manager at a genuinely higher level of cognitive and task complexity .
17 Smith , Gregg and Andrews ( 1989 ) devised the following ranking of selection methods with respect to their predictive validity : graphology and astrology were at the same level as chance prediction , references and interviews were a little higher , then structured interviews , then biodata , personality tests and assessment centres for performance , then ability tests and work sample tests and finally , at the highest level , assessment centres for promotion .
18 Her hands had been as steady as a rock until David mentioned Donna 's birth , and Juliet 's on the same day , and Thorn House —
19 The relationship when manufacturing and retailing are in the same company never seems to be a healthy one and I think there are many examples of that .
20 But in music and poetry which aims at a higher aesthetic we have to avoid the trite effect which can result when words and music are in the same metre and move in identical rhythms .
21 Delta is of spectral type M ; the colour is obvious with binoculars , and with × 7 Delta and Gamma are in the same field .
22 With this new configuration the acoustic centres of midrange and tweeter are at the same point so that their phase relationships have an exact match .
23 But Didone has a peculiarity which was to mark later Italian opera , including L'incoronazione : the part of Jarba , Dido 's rejected lover , who in the end saves her from suicide , is a castrato singing in a higher register than Dido herself ; Nerone and Ottone are in the same predicament .
24 The Unit is based within the Department of Sociology and its staff and students are at the same time members of the department .
25 Delta and Epsilon are in the same field with Zeta ( 5.3 ) , which is one of a pair of faint stars .
26 Taken together these properties mean that if A is in the same class , or category , as B , B is in the same category as A , and that if A and B are in the same category , and B and C , then A and C are in the same class .
27 Walls and floors were of the same uniform grey .
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