Example sentences of "and [noun] [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 NATURALLY , BOTH Jim and Fruitbat have the wit and honesty to carry the whole affair and actually make a go of the potentially over-sanitised ‘ indie ’ event .
2 Huge crowds flock from East and West to see the second half of the artist 's career
3 Roger was also the first bishop of Coventry and Lichfield to keep an episcopal register ( later lost ) .
4 " Space travel " immediately involves , not only astronomy and engineering , but mathematics and physics to hold the wilder speculators in check , and religion and literature to stimulate the creative imagination .
5 Whatever the shape of your kitchen , it is worth giving some attention to the decoration and accessories to create a distinctive style .
6 Indeed the effectiveness of policies of this kind depended largely on their flexibility and willingness to use a wide variety of instruments .
7 We have invested considerable resources and expertise to ensure a superior brewing process for Kaliber .
8 As he leaped down the stair he was shouting for Farquhar Neas , and whisky to take a foul taste from his mouth .
9 For one distinguished American musicologist , the decision of some English scholars and musicians to draw the secular polyphony of Machaut and Dufay into the English a cappella tradition constitutes an ‘ English a cappella heresy ’ , but that phrase may sound rather strangely in a British ear ; it appears to imply that songs by Machaut and Dufay , for example , are best performed within the tradition of the ‘ early-music group , employing instruments reconstructed on the basis of meagre evidence while using musical techniques which draw upon no established tradition of pedagogy and which retain a tinge of 19605 experimentalism and superficial multiculturalism .
10 Careful adjustment of the screen angle and contrast to suit the prevailing light is critical .
11 It was some weeks before Bobbie took her brother and sister to meet the friendly engine driver and fireman .
12 In the 1370s the English , lacking good leadership and the necessary commitment of men and money to defend a long frontier ( available money might have been better spent on defence than on more popular campaigns through France ) , soon lost the ground which they had gained by treaty .
13 We all look forward to a comfortable future when we retire — with the time and money to enjoy a full life with family and friends .
14 Relying on implied terms can not be recommended , as it may take a great deal of time and money to obtain a satisfactory ruling from the court if the other party contests the implication .
15 Peat and water were still flowing into the underground roadways from the subsidence and attempts to block the exposed entrance to the workings were having no success .
16 In relation to the almost antithetical Marxist positions of Sartre and Althusser , Foucault does not , however , simply follow the latter rather than the former : he articulates through a historical perspective the problems that their work encountered and attempts to produce a new method of historical enquiry — though not a general theory of history as such — that is both theoretically coherent and politically effective with respect to the particular problems under examination .
17 The first presents an overview of the main demographic trends in Britain during this century and attempts to provide a considered overview of these population changes .
18 It seeks to explore the effect of situation , ethnicity , life style and sex on the speech of these young people , and attempts to provide a theoretical framework for the analysis of psychological , sociological and grammatical determinants of code-switching behaviour .
19 And if , on occasion , they pillaged or , like the following of Eudes of Burgundy , held up caravans of pilgrims and merchants to make a quick profit from their ransoms , few can have been surprised ; for it was adventure , self-interest , and companionship that bound knights to their lords .
20 Following the style of the Sikkens Specifiers Guides to Woodstains and Paints and the Sandtex Specifier 's Guide to Masonry Coatings , the new guide offers a step-by-step outline to the preparation of substrates for decoration , and the identification and selection of systems and products to achieve the desired finish .
21 As part of this process , education was expected to play a crucial role in changing attitudes , not simply in creating national unity and skills to improve the national economy .
22 Such companies are unable to use analytical SEM , due to a lack of technical expertise and inability to make the necessary capital investment .
23 Yesterday Sudbury chairman Iain Hook said the club 's case was based on the fact the division four clubs had a greater need for support as a result of their geographical locations and inability to attract the same amount of outside backing as top clubs .
24 How can socialists develop their arguments and strategies to gain the maximum purchase over the reality of contemporary capitalist property relations ?
25 Chapter 2 : The state of the natural environment in the Union Republics and selected regions of the country covers the scientific principles of new techniques and technologies to ensure the ecological safety of national economic complexes and includes the concept of a regional system of ecological safety as applied in the Urals ; trends of change in the natural environment of Siberia and associated ecological studies ; ecological challenges in Byelorussia and scientific solutions , and some pressing ecological problems in the Ukraine .
26 As such , a career in local government offers a challenge and opportunity to make a positive contribution to society .
27 This project unites a joint team of British and French economists and lawyers from the Universities of Sussex and Grenoble to review the existing evidence in a dispassionate collaborative manner to try to develop a common view and to carry out a limited number of new investigations in areas of particular sensitivity .
28 It takes money , determination , and patience to launch a false imprisonment action ; most detainees are happy simply to be out of the police station .
29 encourage retailers and manufacturers to supply the best technology at mass market prices and availability
30 He should ask the Prime Minister to open negotiations to enter the Exchange Rate Mechanism , and ensure a proper balance between consumption and investment to guarantee the long-term future of British industry .
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