Example sentences of "and [noun] [vb past] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The second man ( who appears at the left-hand side of the composition , drawing back a curtain ) in one of the earliest sketches , carries a skull , and Picasso identified him as a medical student .
2 Laura passed Rex the gun and Rex bopped him on the head with it .
3 He almost bustled to the far table where glasses and decanters provided him with an interval of escape from the lonely speechlessness that only Aunt Tossie understood .
4 The full-back appeared in Aberdeen 's penalty area and determination carried him into a spot where he could see the right-hand corner of Snelders 's goal , sending the ball there with all the assurance that had characterised Clydebank 's return from the brink .
5 Across the table , Danny giggled and Connor quelled him with a look .
6 On the contrary , his direct line to Hitler and Mussolini placed him in a better position than the monarchists to deal with Axis pressure .
7 Carrie was hard put to it and she had little time to talk with him , but it was not long before Billy turned up at the cafe eager to see his friend and Carrie directed him into the back room .
8 I was already friendly with Tate , and Eddie knew him through the shop , so we soon made a threesome and we kept together for nearly fifty years . ’
9 Gebrec returned from putting the bus away and Bonard took him by the arm and led him to the terrace .
10 French and Ukrainian , mathematics and chemistry bored him to the point of insanity ; only in music and English could he hope to get decent marks .
11 When Craft and Stravinsky visited him in the autumn of this year , Craft has recorded how he looked " younger and livelier " than he had before , but that he seemed " to think of himself as a hoary ancient with little time left .
12 He turned abruptly away and Willie followed him up the lane and back on to the main street .
13 The seas smashed into his back , wind and water clubbed him off the seat on to the cockpit sole .
14 Mann said it could be done and Denega drove him to the chapel to see ‘ if the small cracks in the facade could be enlarged ’ .
15 Tanner gasped : ‘ You bastards , ’ and Maxim chopped him under the ear and dropped him .
16 He said the care of the staff at Ipswich Hospital and Denise helped him through the most difficult time of his life .
17 He learned the truth about the cuttings , closing his eyes when he thought of her sitting in the attic , her long day done , painstakingly writing for O'Connor the articles whose brilliance and feeling told him of the intellect which lay behind her beautiful face and emphasised again what he had thrown away .
18 Through his friendship Soutine was introduced to other young artists and saw them work in their studios and Modigliani guided him round the Louvre , pointing out the Italian painters he admired , the primitives and Giotto , Botticelli and Tintoretto .
19 Minton 's virtuoso performances with pencil or pen and ink commended him as a teacher .
20 It was said simply and sincerely and Kate followed him up the stairs gladly .
21 After Maltote was rested Corbett and Ranulf met him in the hall .
22 Fox arrived with an assistant and Wycliffe took him to the vandalized room .
23 Kersey came in and Wycliffe put him in the picture .
24 But then the sound of different voices came to his ears , and Carolyn called him from the french windows .
25 He was a file-grinder by trade , sitting astride a roaring belt-driven stone wheel , breathing in dust for eight hours a day until chronic bronchitis and pneumoconiosis drove him to an early retirement .
26 The Campbells were waiting to greet him in the hall , and Elizabeth saw him for the first time .
27 Lord Morris said that a consideration of the facts and documents led him to the view that the solus agreement , the loan agreement and the mortgage could be linked together as an instance of one transaction and that the intention was that in providing that the mortgage should be irredeemable for the period of the tie it should become a support for the solus agreement .
28 The quarrel between faith and unbelief touched him for the first time and unsettled his mind .
29 After the darkness and coolness the light and heat struck him like a blow .
30 One way and another , Attlee looks better with every passing year — a kind of benevolent public school master , whose sense of duty and justice raised him above the sectional partisanship of class or party .
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