Example sentences of "and [noun] [vb past] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But MacLaren , who watched the ball very carefully , Kemble and Yates came to the assistance of their county to give the home side a 28-run lead on first innings .
2 ‘ We are all great Cluedo fans and Melanie suggested to the girls that we all hunt for clues , ’ he said .
3 She detailed Amy to take them into the interview room and give them tea and stay with them , and she and Ben went alongside the trolley into Resus .
4 The rain grew heavier and thunder rumbled over the mountains .
5 My husband took off his underpants and Jessica sat in the car with them wrapped round her the rest of the way home !
6 Dimly she saw the Great Tower peak in a cone of white flame ; Adam seemed not to move , but Fand and Liban fell , and Fincara staggered before the sheeting fire .
7 Feet raced across the yard , scattering gravel , and Doyle burst through the door .
8 The term ‘ hall ’ includes all the rectangular timber buildings whose only remains are the postholes and beam-slots dug into the subsoil .
9 His staff car and driver waited in the farm yard .
10 We went into Julia 's room , and Holmes looked at the windows carefully .
11 Harry and Lillian subscribed to the movie trade papers and began tracing the film 's grosses as it climbed upward towards an eventual $40 million .
12 Flagellation and other exotic practices formed part of its creed and Rasputin entered into the spirit of these with enthusiasm .
13 As soon as she climbed off the coach , she burst into tears , and Mum took in the situation at a glance .
14 The next day when Pete and Mum went to the shops Mum had to buy fruit and vegetables from the green-grocer .
15 Yeah and Mike 's seen him like that and mum went round the ward and she made all the beds to help them and all , we had to bribe them to look after him , but was he looked after in the end , on Saturday I said look , I said do n't fucking come over here and tell me my dad 's gon na be turned in a minute I said because a minute is a minute , I said but when you come over here three and a half hours later to my dad that 's like three years , he 's in excruciating agony , he wants to turn him when you tell him you 're gon na turn him
16 Jeanne and Germaine went to the Dôme or the Rotonde regularly at aperitif hour to meet Modigliani and Roger Wild ( who was to become Germaine 's husband ) .
17 1960 : another unpredictable quirk of history , Sartre 's preface to Aden Arabie , and Nizan returned from the grave .
18 It was too dark to see the line , and Trent called to the man on the rod to keep it pointing at the Zodiac .
19 In the winter spanners and hammers froze to the hands .
20 Industry and agriculture flourished in the war years though both came under great governmental control — a new experience for " free enterprise " America .
21 These pictures show some of the things that happened when Fateha , Louise , Anthony and Marlon went to the carnival .
22 This was more than three times the normal fare , and the astonished Annamese stood between the shafts of his vehicle staring after Joseph in amazement until he and Chuck disappeared inside the palace .
23 An early-morning mist hung over Branchester , the cathedral rising up like some ghostly fairy-tale palace while cobwebs glistened on iron railings and moisture dripped from the branches of the lime trees that fringed the roads .
24 Heg and Biff sat on the edge of the open grave sucking their unlit pipes .
25 She and Miki took to the stage again with Ministry , Miki sporting a rockerific white flying V. If I can remember correctly , Howard our manager was by this time on all fours with a bottle of tequila clutched firmly between his mitts — but this is what we pay him for .
26 Large trees grew from the interstices of the stone and sheep brouzed on the edge of every precipice .
27 Currently concentrating on Sparc-based hardware , Lucid has an agreement with NCR Corp that will see its compiler technology and Energize ported onto the Intel 486 under Unix SVR4 and SCO Unix : compilers have already been ported to the IBM RIOS chip , and Lucid has its eye on Hewlett-Packard 's PA-RISC .
28 Currently concentrating on Sparc-based hardware , Lucid has an agreement with NCR Corp that will see its compiler technology and Energize converted for the Intel 80486 under Unix System V.4 and Santa Cruz Unix : compilers have already been implemented for the IBM Corp Rios chip , and Lucid has its eye on Hewlett-Packard Co 's Precision Architecture RISC .
29 Suddenly , it seemed , the war was over at last , and Churchill announced on the wireless that 8 May would be Victory in Europe Day .
30 It was not something you took to the doctor — until Valium and Librium arrived on the market .
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