Example sentences of "and [noun] [adv] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Star ratings , based both on equestrian and accommodation standards , run from a white one where there are well kept horse and ponies only to a purple one which offers farmhouse fare of a high standard , and where riding facilities include an indoor and outdoor riding school .
2 The most-quoted passage described the affluent American family taking a weekend outing in its mauve and cerise , air-conditioned , power-steered automobile passing through cities made tawdry by litter , blighted buildings and broken pavements , into the bill-boarded countryside where they picnic on packaged food by a polluted stream and camp out on a filthy parking lot .
3 Write all your metaphors and similes down on a separate sheet of paper .
4 Start with a puddle and progress slowly to a small pool and shallow stream .
5 Never wipe Rosie and Jim off for a long time .
6 Mix the fruit and vegetables together in a deep bowl ; pour over the dressing ; cover and chill for 2–3 hours .
7 Careful build-up of specific links , starting with concentration on one or two connected facts and building up to a complex structure , could be provided by a program — such a program may even have the potential of becoming a generalized structure .
8 Finally , the budgets are collected into one Master Budget , which is effectively a statement of budgeted Profit and Loss together with a projected Balance Sheet .
9 I then had to send Malcolm and Neil down with a rented truck to pick the machine up .
10 All about Keswick he had noticed gangs of men building the giant reaches of drystone walls enclosing even the highest fell-land , the better to take advantage of grain prices in the war ; gangs of men working the woods , as charcoal-burners , swill-makers , coppice-workers , plain woodmen ; and , as here , men in the high mines — men spread all over the landscape , bondmen of industry , all living out near their workplace , turf huts and teepees scattered abroad , excluded from society throughout the week of their work and let into its comforts and pleasure only for a brief Saturday night escape .
11 The range starts at 47ft ( 14.3m ) and steps up to a staggering 110ft ( 33.5m ) .
12 ‘ As a matter of fact , ’ Phil tells Howard one day , as they walk along the street eating fish and chips out of a Greek newspaper , ‘ I think it 's probably going to be the spitting image of you . ’
13 The technology of virtual reality uses a computer to map a user 's body and senses directly into a digital world .
14 The European Year of Tourism officially ended at a conference in Budapest , at which the HCIMA presented and participated in the workshop on training and management along with a few others , including the President of the Committee for Vocational training in Germany and the Deputy Secretary of the World Tourism Organisation .
15 Recently refurbished but retaining all its original charm and warmth , the Terrace Hotel offers luxury and elegance together with a caring service and friendly atmosphere .
16 Typical Venetian decor — chandeliers , hand-painted furniture , ornate mirrors and marble floors — adorn the hotel and the local character of the welcoming Al Speci bar attracts locals and guests alike for a cool relaxing drink .
17 From the tower I climbed carefully down to the causeway and walked amid screeching seabirds to the end of the island , where the foaming water was groaning and pounding dramatically into a wide gash in the rock , known as the Blow Hole .
18 Second , we can offer an alternative way of understanding society , by setting human ideas and behaviour firmly within a sociocultural context , focusing explicitly on indigenous ideas and values concerning human nature .
19 As soon as he noticed them , Howard beckoned the Doctor , Ace and Petion over with a relieved expression , and introduced them to Colonel Mortimer of the USMC .
20 She seemed to have taken a turn for the worse , her eyes had gone dull and slitty again with a third kind of lid coming half across .
21 Darcy focuses his own feelings on an Eritrean woman , a ‘ splendid bureaucrat ’ now based in Frankfurt but currently visiting the front line to renew her networks of information , and dreams hazily of a future sexual relationship with her until he discovers that she had once undergone , at the hands of the Dergue , such stomach-churning extremes of physical torture that ‘ my distance from such a height of anguish disqualified me . ’
22 ‘ Oh , he 'll perk up , Miss Vine , ’ Mrs Abigail said , mustering further cheerfulness as she emptied roast beef , potatoes , brussels sprouts and gravy on to a cold plate .
23 Protect from birds with nets , and water regularly for a large , juicy crop of strawberries .
24 The kit includes a fine brass pendulum and chain along with a detailed book to point you in the right direction .
25 This annual event lacked gaiety , being viewed by Ministers and MPs alike as a necessary chore where political shop would be the most attractive item on the menu .
26 The pantomime analogy draws the reader and characters together into a collective fictional position within an audience , and by so doing counteracts the opposite isolating direction of the forces of war , bureaucracy and totalitarianism .
27 It shall be the duty of every professor to act as an examiner or assessor as and when requested to do so by a nominating committee or other competent body unless he can show reasonable cause to the satisfaction of the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors why on a particular occasion he should not do so .
28 This is another modest sized fish when mature at 10cm , but Cirrhilabrus jordani is extravagantly blessed with a display of rich colouring , shading from a brilliant fire-red back and tail down to a warm orange underside .
29 After eating its mouse , the cat may start to vomit , froth at the mouth and stagger about in a confused condition .
30 How like him , Ruth thought , to come and hole up in a dumped car on Starr Hills .
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