Example sentences of "and [noun] [pron] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 If the Church is to keep its teenagers , especially , it has to compete successfully with many other attractions and activities which appeal to the young .
2 This partnership was dissolved in 1882 to become Robert Blackwood and Sons which lasted to the formation of Blackwood Morton , when Robert Blackwood 's son William Ford Blackwood joined forces with Gavin Morton in 1908 .
3 Here was a fellow human , Canadian , and Montrealer who went to the same movies and read the same papers as you or I. 1 . )
4 It is the balance between precision and imprecision which contributes to the success of his rhetoric , it seems — and perhaps to rhetoric everywhere .
5 And so throwing up its hands in horror and resignation it turns to the priests and pastors of religion — of a more primitive world order — and tells them to get on with it .
6 There were also moments of aggravated political violence — whether clashes between hunger marchers and the police , bitter street-fights between fascists and anti-fascists which led to the Public Order Act of 1936 , or accusations and counter-accusations about ‘ political hooliganism ’ when public meetings were broken up , as they frequently were .
7 The individual is a living biological animal who is born , develops to maturity , grows old and dies ; the person is the set of offices and roles which attach to the individual at any particular stage in his life career .
8 Its opponents included liberals who were opposed to the death penalty and conservatives who objected to the gun control provisions .
9 Whenever a package is being approved , the approver is presented with a list of all SPRs and SSRs which apply to the modules in the package in order to judge the quality of the package .
10 Any SPRs and SSRs which apply to the modules in the package .
11 The judge had earlier given leave for Dr Odling-Smee to be called to give evidence for the defence in Lord Aldington 's libel action over allegations in a pamphlet that he is a war criminal responsible for the forced repatriation of 70,000 Cossacks and Yugoslavs who surrendered to the British in southern Austria in May 1945 .
12 Advisory Committees were set up by the NEC on 13 March 1918 in order to help to develop the Party 's policies on a wide range of issues and began to publish reports and statements which added to the corpus of Labour policies .
13 Do yourself and the community a favour by taking the rusty iron and junk you find to the nearest litter bin .
14 Generally savage in nature , they were believed to have bred underground in the beginning of the world , their twisting movements resulting in a network of caverns and catacombs which led to the sea .
15 But the BBC and talent unions — the Musicians ' Union , Equity and the Writers ' Guild — still can not agree on how much the performers and writers who contribute to the original broadcast should be paid out of profits accruing from re-issue of their work on video disc or tape .
16 After prayers and meditations we move to the high altar where a female form , draped entirely in black , is seated on a chair beside the statue of Isis .
17 This possibility may be less prominent if it were Jack and Jill who went to the cinema .
18 For many cultures , the ‘ right ’ linguistic formulae have a sort of supernatural power : thus Sapir once spoke of ‘ that virtual identity of word and thing which leads to the magic of spells ’ .
19 I can count on the fingers of one hand all the journalists I have met who are committed to telling the truth about my field as well as they can discover it , No one could organise censorship so effectively in America , so the distortions in the press must reflect countless more or less independent decisions by editors and reporters which lead to the perpetuation of a misleading and intellectually fallacious understanding of a serious scientific subject .
20 Milk and food she said to the waiter and please do n't cook .
21 The contract conditions set out standard obligations and requirements which apply to the purchaser , the provider , or both ; and details of the method for invoicing and payment which will be used .
22 Fellow aviculturalists ‘ do n't call them twitchers , it 's the ultimate insult , ’ said Yvonne , Harry 's daughter Robin Pickering and Peter Banks from Stanhope were called in , and after much research and consultation they came to the extraordinary conclusion that this was a Glaucous Macaw .
23 There is so much to do and see in Prague — a city which is brought to life by street entertainers , festivals and exhibitions which add to the rich culture of its architectural , artistic and musical heritage .
24 Three months later , the patient had fever and headache which led to the diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis with multiple cerebral abscesses .
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