Example sentences of "and [noun] [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unemployed women are often defined out of the labour market by structures and ideologies which regulate that market .
2 He applauds ICI 's harnessing of nature in reed beds to dispose of soluble pollutants and the technology introduced at Billingham and Wilton which enables 24 hour monitoring of liquid effluents .
3 Later canals , built by engineers such as Telford and Smeaton , had more changes of level and used a greater variety of structures ; locks , tunnels , embankments , cuttings and aqueducts which demanded large amounts of money and considerable engineering skill .
4 She allows herself to have no possessions , only two sets of clothing and anything else she gets from charities goes straight into making homes and clinics which provide free health care to poor mothers for their children .
5 Or something perhaps … moving through space forwards but back at the same time , as if I consisted of anti-matter for ever cancelled out … as if in all our words and gestures , acts and attitudes we effected some sort of parallel penetration into whatever had originated them , their primeval atom , with built-in unstableness. ( 107–108/303–4 )
6 Turnouts in Guardian elections were extremely low ( perhaps 10–15% of registered electors ) and Guardians who offended influential ratepayers were easily ousted .
7 Like similar assumptions about fresh air and freedom it needs further investigation , otherwise we shall measure its extent rather than its quality , its coverage rather than its benefits .
8 Each dance followed particular rules laid down by the dancing masters , and this idea continued to prevail even after Gluck began to compose operas and ballets which had greater continuity .
9 After reduction and lemmatisation it comprised 2,344 lemmata .
10 Gerald Barry 's The Intelligence Park revolves around three self-destructive characters : a Dublin magistrate who is obsessed with Jerusha , his daughter ; a composer who finds liberation in images of imprisonment ; and Jerusha who finds sexual excitement in impotence .
11 Take a boat in search of the swordfish and marlin which offer great sport in these waters .
12 ‘ In the first category we have criminal cases , judicial review and cases which involve matrimonial status and the welfare of children or those under a disability .
13 The home authority , on the other hand , could find its funds being compulsorily diverted to services and cases it considered low priority .
14 The home authority , on the other hand , could find its funds being compulsorily diverted to services and cases it considered low priority .
15 However , I would not claim that these displays have any culturally mediated symbolic meaning , as do the myths and rituals which bind human groups .
16 This was ideal for those hobbyist and experimenters who derived much fun a pleasure from making their computers ‘ sing and dance ’ in the real world .
17 Furthermore , as cogently argued by Finkelstein ( 1980 ) , Goffman , in borrowing the concept of stigma from ancient Greece , where it referred to ‘ a bodily sign … cut or burned into the body and advertising that the bearer was a slave ’ ( Goffman , 1963 , p. 19 ) chooses to interpret its meaning as one of ‘ blemish and ritual pollution ’ rather than of the power and inequality which allowed one person to be a slaveholder and compelled another to be a slave .
18 The military received high expenditure to maintain their new prestigious role in society , and the economic elite were assured of policies and contracts which maintained effective demand and profitability .
19 Labour consumer affairs spokesman Nigel Griffiths warned Sega and Nintendo they had three weeks to act .
20 Caring about others less fortunate than ourselves is important and the Christian Aid Committee is most grateful to all who give their time , talents , and money which gives this Festival of Flowers and Music such significance .
21 ‘ Industrial democracy ’ on the other hand is a term which is generally taken to refer to particular practices of management already operating in certain capitalist economies ( e.g. West Germany ) or specific proposals such as those of the Bullock Committee ( Bullock , 1977 ) , practices and proposals which give some role to workers or their representatives in enterprise decision-making , but which are not necessarily linked to the overall social planning of the economy in the interests of working people .
22 International , or transnational , studies deal with those institutions and phenomena which cross national boundaries , such as the industrial relations aspects of multinational companies or the international labour movement .
23 As Wimpol becomes increasingly international in technology and operations I intend that interchange of personnel of all disciplines will increase between the regional bases of USA , UK and Singapore .
24 After 1976 both Jordan and Israel made conscious efforts to detach rural society from the leadership offered by local towns , the former through the landlords and merchants who controlled agricultural marketing , the latter through its Village Leagues , a network aimed at maintaining dependency and destroying the credibility of the nationalist urban leadership .
25 There was a failure to invest , an inability to sustain science which led to renewed talk of a ‘ brain drain' of British scientists to American and other campuses , an inherent suspicion and division which prevented effective collaboration in industry .
26 for it would have been possible , they argue , to move towards a system that examined knowledge and skills which crossed old subject boundaries ; a new way of looking both at the sciences and the arts could have been incorporated in the new syllabuses .
27 Thanks to this initiative , the attempted rising was put down in Madrid and Barcelona , though not without excesses and vandalism which did considerable harm to the Republican cause .
28 One of the lessons to be drawn from the study of early-twentieth-century imperialism is the extraordinary durability of policies and programmes which lack all possibility of being realised .
29 The rules and institutions which regulated medieval agriculture and ordered rural society differed in almost every particular from place to place and from generation to generation .
30 Because of their training doctors are often sceptical of anything other than formal clinical trials and research which produces statistical data .
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