Example sentences of "and [noun] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Criticism leads to critical self-reflection , where students are able to stand back and place their knowledge and accomplishments in a larger perspective .
2 such infinite knives and forks on a dazzling table .
3 In pure white it adds a freshness , cleanliness and unity to a white kitchen that brightens every day .
4 Everyone will be free to enjoy themselves as they wish , but we shall be arranging a programme of optional sightseeing excursions and activities on a daily basis , which will ensure you miss nothing of the best the region has to offer .
5 Did he also mention at all that I won a national award recently for five years sustained voluntary input to the educational and professional development committee and activities of a professional body — the Assoc'n of Industrial Editors .
6 Seek out the company of cheery chums and forget your worries and woes for a wee while .
7 So all I could do was to prance about waving flashcards and realia like a second-rate conjuror at a children 's party , and try not to glance at my watch more than once a minute .
8 May the Town Crier remain in the very capable hands of the college students and lecturers for a long time to come .
9 With 250 million volumes sold annually , Mills and Boon is the source of a construction and perpetuation of a particular concept of female desire and sexuality that can always be assuaged through the consummation of a heterosexual romance .
10 A resource report shows assignments for a specific time period with planned , actual and notes in a convenient format .
11 A SENIOR Strathclyde education official has unreservedly apologised for his ‘ loose and inappropriate ’ remarks last week linking genetics and nutrition with a high level of black and Asian children in special schools .
12 Clarkson himself , his wife and old associates such as William Smith and Henry Brougham did not rest on the charge of sectarian and party spirit but reverted to the earlier image of the antislavery movement as effectively integrating the diverse roles of individuals and groups into a successful unity .
13 The bomb tore through shops and houses over a 1,000 yard radius — stretching from Bridge Street to Castle Street .
14 Although , as will shortly be evident , he became extravagantly pious , he retained some of the values and attitudes of a pagan past .
15 Sometimes this approach will be useful to highlight different viewpoints and attitudes to a particular event .
16 They are extremely handsome and sensual , and glory in a drunken brawl .
17 Other traditions , such as military regimes and cultures with a central control , are based on the division of land by means of the cardinal directions and subdivision by halving , resulting in a fourfold and eightfold division .
18 True up a piece of hardwood ( one surface/two sides ) the same width as the regular plane and put both in the vice , truing up plane case and hardwood with a straight edge .
19 Moneylender Cash loan usually between £30 and £1,000 from a local firm ( or broker who fixes it with a finance company ) , usually without security and for a fixed period ( anything from days to years ) ; may be paid in fixed instalments or lump sum ; interest rate fixed at start .
20 The Blue Guide lists almost 20 museums , churches and galleries within a circular area about half a mile across .
21 Such techniques can be applied to establish clash and function for a wide range of engineering assembly problems .
22 The aim is to provide a comprehensive range of services and expertise on a national scale to the business community in particular .
23 From his own statements , it is clear that he is word-perfect in his familiarity with the prophetic books of the Old Testament , can quote them at will , can move among them with the facility and expertise of a professional scholar .
24 They joined politicians including local MP David Trimble , Compensation Agency chief executive , John Robinson and an array of councillors and solicitors in a 90-minute talk .
25 As the municipal elections had shown , the political parties ( especially the parties of the left ) enjoyed the confidence and support of a large section of the population , something which had not been the case with Giraud in 1943 .
26 So let us fantasise , and see industry and agriculture in a new light .
27 The importance of ‘ generic skills ’ has been stressed in recent years by the Manpower Services Commission ( now Training Agency ) as a flexible response to and preparation for a fast-changing economy .
28 Model predictions of regional changes in temperature and moisture in a future world with the equivalent of 560–600 ppm of atmospheric carbon dioxide have to be treated with much caution .
29 These publish news and views of a specific industry , trade or profession , and usually are bought only by those sectors .
30 He also likened the tripartite event to a three-ring circus characterising HP as juggling a wide assortment of mis-matched architectures , hardware and software and DEC as a magic act with more illusions than Siegfried & Roy .
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