Example sentences of "and [noun] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This will mean harnessing the experience and aspirations of primary health care workers , the epidemiological skills of public health medicine , the expertise and disciplines of academic departments of general practice , the knowledge of social scientists and health economists , the evaluative and facilitative skills of medical advisers , the managerial expertise of family health services authority officers , and the needs and wants of the consumer .
2 LEBANESE President Rene Muawad , killed in a car bomb assassination on Wednesday , was a conciliator who tried to restore Lebanese peace and unity after 14 years of civil war .
3 Now systems are being refocused and designed to support decision-making and activities at all levels of the district health system , including the community level .
4 Groupe Bull will be using the PowerPC in commercial multiprocessors and Thomson-CSF in real-time computers for defence , electronics and aerospace applications .
5 Everything depends upon the background , character , temperament , and honesty of presidential candidates in the USA , or of party leaders elsewhere .
6 Thorough cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces to a very high standard is essential , and Rentokil is now able to offer a specialist service to meet this need .
7 A similar study in Thailand ( quoted by Wray , 1971 ) identified the same relationship between family size and malnutrition of pre-school children of a semi-rural community .
8 In the late nineteenth century , minerals acted as lead sectors for other aspects of economic growth , encouraging migration , urbanization , and cash-cropping in large regions of the world .
9 These were the terms that gave substance to the concept , and in so doing represented ‘ a co-ordination and subordination of individual actions towards some common good ’ .
10 This provided jobs and houses in new communities for people from overcrowded cities and run-down industrial areas .
11 He visited North-East towns including Darlington , Barnard Castle , Durham and Middlesbrough for eight days for a study of regional manners commissioned by Northumbria Tourist Board .
12 From within the universities there were stern voices of anti-vocationalism and resistance to public demands for responsiveness , strengthening the impression .
13 Perceptions and attitudes of different user-groups to the role of the budget , budget pressure and budget participation — Stephen R Lyne .
14 The APU surveys , carried out over the five-year period 1978–1982 , monitored the attainment and attitudes of large numbers of 11 and 15 year old pupils .
15 Teachers should realise , therefore , in presenting their programmes of Religious Education which seek to foster a personal faith and commitment they can quite properly assess pupils ' knowledge , understanding , skills and attitudes in varying degrees for the benefit of the individual pupil .
16 With regard to pruning , Miller advised removal of dead wood in the autumn , shortening of over-luxuriant branches and exposure of all parts of the plant to maximum light and air .
17 Certain workers have been monitored for internal contamination by radionuclides and exposure to other forms of radiation such as neutrons since the 1950s , but this is not done routinely and monitoring methods can be unreliable .
18 Thus the cumulative effect of inadequate transport , poor storage , and exposure in consulting rooms during clinics may be considerable .
19 And I 've left my Daimler and driver round two corners from here .
20 The learning and ingenuity of those members of the foundation who are likely to be in dispute with the foundation should not be lightly underestimated and I believe to admit certiorari to challenge the visitor 's decision on the grounds of error of law will in practice prove to be the introduction of an appeal by another name .
21 Its aim is to understand the historical origins and the development in the successive cultural milieux through which the Christian faith has passed of the major doctrines in which these beliefs have been expressed ; and it is particularly concerned with the contemporary appraisal and formulation of these doctrines in view of the dominant directions of modern thought , and with their ecumenical prospects .
22 This has enabled S C F to persuade the Home Office 's prison department to run such facilities and budget for such facilities in every prison to be rebuilt and there appears to be no shortage of those , or designed from herein after .
23 Mr Geoffrey Peace of Sheffield can trace his family back from the foundation of the family firm of Samuel Peace and Sons through several generations of filemakers to Anthony Peace , a Rotherham butcher , who died in 1696 .
24 It can easily become a cause of friction , and is sometimes made the scapegoat for disagreement and discontent in other areas of a congregation 's life .
25 In addition to running courses , she responds to individual requests for advice and consultancy on various aspects of media work , such as how to approach the press and how to run effective publicity campaigns .
26 There are spacious arcades and galleries on all sides of the square , and on these I could see nobly sculpted medallions of famous Spaniards .
27 Working with colleagues at the University of Utrecht , he performed many experiments to find out the nature and function of postural reflexes throughout the body .
28 These Associations each have a full-time secretariat ( except for the L.B.A. which is served by honorary officers ) and function on similar lines to the local authorities themselves .
29 Between 30% and 50% of all consultations with medical professionals in industrialized countries result from no detectable physical illness or when the complaint of discomfort is out of proportion to the physical problem .
30 The influence that local government units , for example , in the United States and Britain possess through the ‘ intergovernmental lobby ’ ( i.e. through national pressure groups of local government and local government professionals ) rests upon their ability to provide central or federal government with valuable information , to mobilise legislators to support their cause and their position and expertise as major providers of welfare state services .
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