Example sentences of "and [prep] the same [noun sg] a " in BNC.

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1 And about the same time a mystery blaze broke out at Madame Tussaud 's , another of the capitals major tourist attractions .
2 In 1913 , the Royal Flying Corps had 8 biplanes at Gailes and during the same year an airship was seen over the county for the first time .
3 People could speak English before there was universal literacy , and in the same way a child learns to speak long before he learns to read and write .
4 A Recreation and Sports Studies Board was set up in 1978 , and in the same year a further conference was held on human movement studies — with support from the Gulbenkian Foundation .
5 At last he saw the first of the dawn , like light faintly perceived round a corner at the far end of an unknown burrow ; and in the same moment a yellow-hammer sang .
6 A rift has opened between realism and something beyond , and at the same time a link has been forged between Dostoevsky 's favourite phrase , the deeper realism , and my own apocalyptic naturalism .
7 And at the same time a paltry £5 million a year is available for all archaeological survey , conservation and management .
8 She had seen nothing of them and heard nothing except their horn in the recesses of the forest , a joyous and at the same time a melancholy sound which filled her captors with unease .
9 This object , discourse , is at once an empirical phenomenon recognizable without a particular theory , and at the same time a theoretical object that is amenable to analysis .
10 The pangolin is a forest animal and at the same time a taxonomic enigma : it cuts across several distinct categories in Lele zoology just as it does in ours .
11 They hatch very quickly and at the same time a new generation of workers and soldiers emerge from the stored pupae .
12 It is perhaps because they are both unique and at the same time a faithful continuation of ancestral traditions that oriental rugs are objects of allure and fascination for the West .
13 It has n't escaped anyone 's notice that a former senior official of the Great Criminal goes on the run , and at the same time a series of murders begins of the children of other former officials of the Great Criminal .
14 Whereas the earlier , Shklovskian view had been that form itself was a defamiliarizing agent , this subtler later development introduces a more dynamic and at the same time a more coherent notion of the literary work .
15 It offers an impressive teaching faculty , and at the same time a small college atmosphere .
16 Has begun , I should say , to feel a little proprietorial about Serafin , in the way we do about our masters , and at the same time a little protective .
17 Raskolnikov is young , preoccupied and merely puzzled — ‘ young , abstract and therefore cruel ’ , the severe voice of the novel descries him elsewhere — but the reader attends in tragic wonder , for he understands that Marmeladov has indeed nowhere to go , a nowhere which is the finality of his loose end , at once in character , at once personal to the selfish selfless rationale of one man 's marriage and his other circumstances , personal to his ‘ destitution ’ or ‘ extremity ’ or ‘ misère ’ ( nishcheta , which he is careful to distinguish from his poverty ) , and at the same time an objective and transpersonal theme running through all Dostoevsky 's work .
18 There seems to be a common thread here — a desire to rise above northern grim limits into a world of sleek , cosmopolitan opportunity , and at the same time an anxiety to retain one 's roots .
19 Neither a sociological nor a psychological type , he represents an assemblage of mental attitudes , providing a kind of vade-mecum and at the same time an ironic counterpoint to the anxieties of a public that is presumed by the book itself to have lost faith in totalizing explanations and englobing narratives .
20 The union agreement relevant to this case contained provisions for a shortened working week and at the same time an increase in monthly salary for full-time employees .
21 An uncomfortable inner part appears , and at the same time an awkward leap across the strings between the last semiquaver of bar 4 and the first of bar 5 in the top part gives us pause .
22 Sacher said that the StB had been " a product and at the same time an instrument of the former totalitarian power " .
23 May the MEDAU SOCIETY continue to blossom , grow and stay alive — it is an example for us and at the same time an inspiration to continue our work for the benefit of people everyone .
24 The kind of attention that we usually associate with love or hate , and at the same time an acute awareness of limits , of closed worlds , of helplessness , of traps of unsatisfiable longing — the sort of awareness that we associate rather with pity or fear .
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