Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They are also available as outside courses for students in their first and second years taking honours in other subjects , and as courses leading to the MA(General) .
2 Ethnographic research has special qualities suited to dealing with controversial topics in sensitive locations , for it entails a gradual and progressive contact with respondents , which is sustained over a long period , allowing a rapport to be established slowly with respondents over time , and for researchers to participate in the full range of experiences involved in the topic .
3 In May 1269 Queen Eleanor , Edward and Edmund the king 's sons , and Guy de Lusignan , the king 's half-brother , persuaded Henry III to appoint his nephew Henry of Almain to be constable of Rockingham castle and warden of the forests between Oxford and Stamford bridges , as a return for expenses incurred by him in the king 's service , and for debts owed by the king to him .
4 In addition to this , parents were charged for school photographs ( £144 ) and for books purchased through the school book club ( £540 ) .
5 That order is made for the aggregate of the sum payable and for costs incurred by the charging authority and the court in obtaining and issuing the order .
6 Thus , for example , it was excusable for a pretty young girl to avoid wearing a seat-belt because she had been topping up her tan on the sun bed and got burnt , for two middle-class school children to ride their bikes without lights late at night because they were trying to stay up on their last might of the summer holidays , and for lads to urinate in the street because they had three miles to walk home .
7 In summer it is a wonderful place for picnics and for children to paddle in the stream .
8 The way then climbs a series of hills and through villages known as the Lenches .
9 Deficits were offset through membership subscriptions , which declined in the late forties , and through sums remitted to the District which were calculated annually as per capita branch quotas .
10 With some aggressive buying , the futures market maintained a hefty premium all day and after hours trading in the June Footsie contract suggested that market is all set to go better again today .
11 This Glossary contains short definitions and/or explanations of some demographic , sociological and statistical terms and of abbreviations used in the report .
12 None of this excuses their behaviour , of course , but this is an unusually human account of an all-too-human encounter in the streets which reminds us of a certain constancy of human motive , and of conflicts built around the human meanings that are attached to the social realities of class , physical appearance and territory .
13 A century of observation and analysis of births and deaths by these variables in many developed countries and of studies focusing on the effect of childbearing patterns on the viability of the product of conception , including the survival of infants and children , has accumulated a great body of information , to which an impressive amount of comparative data from developing countries has been recently added .
14 Its origins were a combination of expediency and of arguments derived from the public service rhetorical tradition .
15 The direct effect in the United Kingdom of the Community treaties and of legislations made by the Council and Commission under treaty powers would depend on the European Communities Act .
16 This occured after a sustained period of Leeds pressure which resulted in a whole string of corners , the goal came from Crewe 's inability to clear the ball and after several rebounds and with players flailing around the ball broke to Deane who scored from about six yards out .
17 The central of the three portals is sculptured in a masterly manner with birds above the capitals ( 417 and PLATE 47 ) and with columns supported on the backs of crouching ( rather worn ) lions .
18 There was chronic overcapacity on domestic US passenger air routes , and rising fuel prices now coincided with a period of heavily reduced passenger bookings , connected with the weakness of the dollar and with fears arising from the Gulf crisis .
19 Enough to show a shape , an outline , to a man waiting , and with eyes accustomed to the dark .
20 With almost all the farms having stock on them for 365 days , and with wives restricted in the heavy work they could do , most men had quite a bit to do when they returned from work .
21 The oil storage tanks were still there , so was the big , now empty hall which had housed the ENSA concert parties , and a few pre-fabricated administration bungalows , some windowless and with doors creaking in the wind .
22 hotel accommodation if you are required to stay away from home , and including meals taken at the hotel , but excluding private telephone calls and drinks beyond normal hospitality expected of a director
23 hotel accommodation if you are required to stay away from home , and including meals taken at the hotel , but excluding private telephone calls and drinks beyond normal hospitality expected of a director
24 hotel accommodation if you are required to stay away from home , and including meals taken at the hotel , but excluding private telephone calls and drinks beyond normal hospitality expected of a director
25 The money was raised in various ways , including donations from the public and from firms exhibiting at the company 's craft , embroidery and fashion event in Harrogate last year .
26 Most of this local iron ore was mined from shallow pits and from adits dug into the valley sides .
27 The position appears to be beyond question as a result of the decision of the House of Lords in Geo Mitchell ( Chesterhall ) Ltd v Finney Lock Seeds Ltd [ 1983 ] 2 AC 803 , and in cases covered by the UCTA 1977 , s9 makes clear that a clause may be judged reasonable , and enforceable , even though the contract has been terminated either by the breach , or by the innocent party in response to the breach .
28 to afford to members legal assistance in matters arising out of their employment and in cases approved by the Executive Committee ;
29 Funds on particularly favourable terms are available for investment projects that serve environmental protection in the Federal Republic of Germany and in regions bordering on the Federal Republic .
30 Results were analysed with and without values obtained for the two patients studied 15 and 29 months after their most recent acute attack of pancreatitis .
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