Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] first [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They saw municipal ownership and its efficient management as a means of improving public services and as a first step towards public ownership of the entire economy , and improved administration to prevent or cure social ills .
2 Hundreds of delegates from around 25 political groups amended a charter presented by the EPRDF , and as a first step towards its implementation elected an 87-member Council of Representatives .
3 ‘ It has been a special privilege to serve under you in the Cabinet as Chief Secretary and as the first Secretary of State for National Heritage .
4 She was an apostle of teacher training and as the first woman to be elected to the senate of London University promoted the foundation of the London Day Training College and the accompanying chair in education .
5 I decided this would be a good experimental site on which to try my new detector , and for the first hour of detecting felt that I had been right in my assumption that I had really cleaned this place out .
6 Bloody clouds of flies and biting things and humming whatsits and for the first couple of weeks you think how extraordinary , well it does n't matter getting bitten , everyone else is , except Matt with his NASA US-Govt issue personal mosquito repellent and corned-beef face-protector .
7 Many of the hotels in this brochure do continue to provide waiter serve , although some of these will have buffet for breakfast and for the first course of main meals .
8 In fact it took another two years for the project to be fully studied , for the government to support its formal submission to the World Bank , for the Bank 's board to approve it and for the first tranche of funds to flow .
9 His aim was to boost flagging sales , and for the first time during the recession new cars came within the grasp of those who still had some cash .
10 He never came to the hotel drunk and for the first time for years worked almost to a routine .
11 After she fell in love with Astrid , she became Dragonfly Moonchild , the world her oyster , and for the first time on the daily journey , she saw an adventure playground over the hoardings by the Elephant and Castle , and all the poles were painted like a carousel .
12 He saw with pleasure that she looked cold but not frightened ; she was beginning to swim more slowly and for the first time with trust , as if the water were a friendly and not an alien element .
13 The play features actors Catherine Aran , Maldwyn John , Merfyn Jones and for the first time with Bara Caws , Manon Prysor .
14 The government lost by one vote , 311 to 310 , and for the first time since October 1924 an administration had been voted out of office through a Commons vote .
15 But the whole incident has depressed me and for the first time since being diagnosed it occurs to me that I might be dying .
16 Once in the shadows we notice the gusting , frozen wind , and for the first time since arriving in Bolivia we feel cold while climbing .
17 While her unpleasant husband shut himself in his room and wrote letters , she explored the island with Paul Masson and for the first time in her life ‘ tasted and touched the salt , the sand , the seaweed , the odorous soft bed of the receding sea , the dripping fish ’ .
18 I fill a mess-tin with meat , potatoes , and various vegetables , and for the first time in many months , I pour a very delicious gravy over the lot .
19 Mrs Chamorro declined to give interviews while in Washington but in an article published this week , she wrote : ‘ Ten years of living dangerously has brought civil war , an exodus of a fifth of our countrymen , an annual inflation of 30,000 per cent , 40 per cent unemployment and for the first time in our history , mass hunger .
20 Early on a wet Sunday morning outside Yaroslavl station , in the centre of Moscow , my journey was complete and for the first time in 10 days I was alone .
21 And for the first time in the twenty-year history of St Christopher 's , a priest laughed in the pulpit .
22 Bronwen reported the next day that Owen had slept deeply for about six hours , and for the first time in ages had not woken up several times during the night to go to the toilet .
23 This commenced with the Year eight pupils and for the first time in 1991 , we will be presenting all our school leavers with a RAE which again we feel will be of a high quality .
24 His patience was dwindling and for the first time in four years of marriage she could see he was on the point of losing his temper .
25 He understood at once why she had not told him ; he remembered the glass of milk in the café , and for the first time in weeks he was able to weep .
26 And for the first time in nearly three years she had been able to talk about Martin .
27 Sinead 's father John saw the progressive school in Waterford as a last chance for his wayward daughter and for the first time in her life she came across a school where she had nothing to rebel against .
28 Nevertheless , it was a worrying period , and for the first time in his life he occasionally resorted to taking one of my sleeping-tablets .
29 Immediately , therefore , I was involved in the gay movement and for the first time in my life in a couple relationship .
30 And for the first time in the conference 's 109year history , a speaker — pro-European Edward Giles of East Hampshire — was interrupted with cries of ‘ b—ks .
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