Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] [noun] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The information tabulated is shown as a graph in Fig. 7.5(a) and as a bar chart in Fig. 7.5(b) .
2 Zhivkov had been called as a witness in the trial , beginning on Feb. 13 , of Stoyan Ovcharov , who had been removed as Minister of Economy and Planning and as a candidate member of the former Bulgarian Communist Party politburo immediately after Zhivkov 's fall from power .
3 Stoyan Ovcharov , who had been removed as Minister of Economy and Planning and as a candidate member of the former Bulgarian Communist Party politburo immediately after the fall from power of Todor Zhivkov in November 1989 , was found guilty on June 6 of " taking undue advantage of his authority in favour of a third person " to the detriment of the state .
4 Soap operas , naturally , provided endless scope for companionship , both with the fictional characters and as a conversation topic with friends and at work .
5 Like the natural system in botany , Mendeleev 's Table seemed to show how the elements really were related ; and as a teaching aid in a part of chemistry which had previously seemed to depend simply on memory , it was a boon .
6 The PRD greeted Villaseñor 's departure as a further instance of President Carlos Salinas de Gortari being forced to dismiss an unpopular PRI governor [ for previous cases see pp. 38385 ; 38524 ; 38716 ; 38905 ] , and as a government concession to the need for political reform .
7 The Democrat Congressman Long has given full rein to his total unworthiness as a man and as a government functionary in his dealings with a country which is a friend to his government and to his nation .
8 Should we use these areas to pilot the creation of specialist infill engineering teams and as a test bed for new forms of contract ?
9 He discovered first that it ( like the fencing gloves ) had been painted in the wake of the Gauguin debacle and as a companion piece to the portrait of Gauguin 's empty chair ( " Effect of Night " ) .
10 You 'll find the quality mark on pre-packed Scottish salmon steaks and fillets in Safeway , Tesco and Wm Low , and as a gill tag on whole fish in Selfridges and selected fishmongers .
11 She continued that support after his elevation to the House of Lords in 1970 and during his service as joint chairman of the Southern Flank of NATO and as a Deputy Lieutenant of the city of Edinburgh .
12 It is also used for the teaching of study skills to S1 and S2 classes and as a resource base for many subjects .
13 Two election leaflets describe him as ‘ an adviser to British industry ’ more specifically , he is a merchant banker and as a city councillor on ‘ a major local authority . ’
14 Although these considerations make us wary of interpreting fig 4.1 too literally , they do not undermine its value as a representation of the essential core of language , and as a starting point for stylistics .
15 It served both as a centre of local trade for its own hinterland , and as a distribution centre for longer-distance trade .
16 Since then it has been offered on a limited basis in Germany and as a routine service in Lyons , France , and Antwerp , Belgium .
17 Furthermore , unoperated controls should be included in every experiment as a further standard with which to compare experimental embryos and as a routine screen of the culture system .
18 There is a large and growing feminist literature in sociology which is much appreciated by women students , including influential and innovative collections stemming from the British Sociological Association 's conferences and study groups on Sexual Divisions ( see , for example , Barker and Allen , 1976a and 1976b ) ; there is the BSA women 's caucus which operates as a forum for women and as a pressure group within the profession ; there is also the work of the BSA Standing Committee on the Equality of the Sexes ; and many of the small number of women in positions of relative power in the profession have been willing to use their influence on behalf of other women .
19 Mr Richards said he approached the Independent Tribunal Appeals Services in Nottingham , and as a result residents of Kinmel Bay and Rhyl would now have their cases heard in Colwyn Bay , reducing travelling time from around 50 minutes to 15 minutes .
20 Sudden death associated with exercise is a major cause of death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy , and as a result patients with the disease are recommended to avoid strenuous exercise .
21 Northern has got the formula right , and as a result sales of its pizzas are shooting up 20pc a year .
22 The problem is that more and more heat is being kept back by a blanket of gases surrounding the Earth ( including Carbon Dioxide and CFCs ) and as a result temperatures around the world are gradually increasing .
23 The new Arts Centre will serve several functions — as a home for the Departments of Art History and eventually Music , as an art gallery for University and public exhibitions and as a visitor centre with refreshment facilities and a bookshop .
24 The brochure will be used in a forthcoming drive to fill 40 vacancies across a number of government departments , and as a recruitment aid on planned ‘ milk round ’ sessions at universities and polytechnics .
25 The utility of using readmissions as an index of outcome and as a surrogate method of identifying ‘ poor ’ clinical care is limited by the conceptual and methodological limitations noted earlier .
26 Piermarini 's new theatre was inaugurated on 3 August 1778 with the work L'Europe Riconsciuta by Antonio Salieri In its earliest days — when the theatre was used for balls and as a gaming house of , at one time , ill repute — the theatre was decorated in Baroque style , but in 1807 it was redecorated in Neo-Classical style only to be redecorated yet again in 1830 by
27 As a parish priest he also served as a diocesan representative on the first National Liturgy Commission and as a schools commissioner with the North Riding of Yorkshire in the diocesan office .
28 They see them as a modulation of other cognitive patterns , and as a realm parallel to the realm of gender relations , and determined by it in a fairly direct way .
29 These are the quantities with which physics deals and as the subject ventures into new regimes remote from common experience it must adjust its concepts to match whatever it finds there .
30 What would happen if the Institute were not accepted on a new Register ? was glad of the opportunity to speak on the matter and as the Institute representative on the Committee he was disturbed by the lack of progress by the appointed agent .
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