Example sentences of "and [adj] than [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 This is one of the reasons why they 're already far more interesting and demanding than the wave of both American and British post-Nirvana types .
2 After the sober belches of the shoe-gazing clique ( itself a knee-jerk reaction to the brash swagger of baggydom ) , The Franks came across like circus clowns pissing around in a casualty department , all charmingly naive , astoundingly cheerful and dafter than a boardroom of brushes .
3 But this no more implies a conscious awareness of the distinctions between past , present , and future than the use of language necessitates an explicit knowledge of grammar .
4 We must look at this quest for beauty as a purpose more real and noble than the quest of the knights of old for the Holy Grail .
5 Brooks Brothers ' past success was based on the personal touch and more than a soupcon of snobbery .
7 During this time we organized two national conferences for students with disabilities and more than a handful of steadily more accessible conferences for lesbians and gays .
8 Certainly he came under such guidance from within his family which clashed with his own predilections , for his varsity life seems to have been plagued by vocational uncertainty and more than a touch of its weakening indifference .
9 The smile was still there , but behind it now was a hint of trouble , and more than a hint of tiredness .
10 A fruit and vegetable mixture with a delicately balanced flavour and more than a hint of summer .
11 I simply do not know , at least not if the properties are to be non-trivial , and more than an acceptance of certain machines into the category of human beings by fiat or polite convention .
12 At present north Belfast and Newtownabbey contain less than five per cent of the office space in Greater Belfast : much less than is contained in the small area around the university and less than a quarter of that found in east Belfast .
13 She seems to have been wholly unaware that she was in fact queen of a kingdom with a justifiably high opinion of itself — so much so that it is actually supremely ironic that Mary , brought up in one of the greatest of European countries , should have found this one , smaller , but passionately European , so much less interesting and appealing than the kingdom of England , not only Scotland 's traditional enemy , but already beginning the descent into the isolation which it was to maintain for much of the seventeenth century .
14 2.22 The calculation of the multiplier is even less precise and arithmetical than the computation of the multiplicand .
15 This , however , is not the case , for there is undoubtedly more to the distinction between given and new than the assignment of phonological stress .
16 But it is hard indeed to see how that axiom itself could be made more convincing either to a purely humanist philosophy or to a theology which maintained that God is something more and other than the obverse of our finitude .
17 Leon laid his hands to the rod and George noticed how they were bigger , stronger , altogether more mature and experienced than the rest of him .
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