Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Observation of the parent-child feeding style and parental attitude should elucidate the particular nutritional problem that the child is showing .
2 To the future instructions of the deaf and dumb , he has afforded a convincing proof that gentleness will create The Background teachableness , and that firmness will supply the place of severity .
3 Transfers are good , though not of the sort that take the unsuspecting listener by storm — and that listener may need a reminder that these are , after all , pre-electrical recordings in which an orchestra usually sounds like anything but .
4 Of course , this does not mean the specialist skills of the district nurse or the health visitor , or indeed any community nurse , would become obsolete , and that specialisation would become a thing of the past in community nursing .
5 The bishops also argued that any so-called restricted form of divorce was impossible to maintain in practice and that divorce might solve the partners ' problems but only created them for the children .
6 Surely someone somewhere knows who killed Ann Heron and that person could ease the pain for her heartbroken family .
7 Some of their aims are that learning methods should be non-directive , interactive , and based on clinical cases and that teaching should foster the ability to evaluate critically published data on different treatments and new drugs .
8 Although Dionysius stresses the utter inadequacy of any created being to know the nature of the one God who created everything from nothing , he also asserts that He is immanent in His creation and that man can encounter the reality of the energy of divine love at the heart of his being .
9 The department will now take charge of the legal battle to recover the Barlow Clowes funds and that money will offset the payouts .
10 While lacking the legal authority to transform CODESA 's decisions into law , the government effectively undertook to use its large majority in Parliament to endorse CODESA resolutions , although State President F. W. de Klerk made it clear that CODESA would not automatically have law-making powers and that Parliament would have a veto .
11 They proposed that mother should have reasonable contact and that father should have no contact .
12 But there is every chance that the Mains methods will work , and that Mains will have the luxury of starting his career with a public relations system between team and media being put into place .
13 Everton will need to sell to raise the cash , but Arsenal have already made an approach for their £2m defender Martin Keown and that deal could hold the key .
14 Our Association was formed nearly ten years ago and is aimed at helping parents to solve their children 's problems through a local based scheme where they may contact a teacher who 's qualified in their local area and that teacher will see the child and advise the parents whether individual tuition would help him .
15 There 's another public site at Hinksey Hill , which is very new , where they 've settled well , and there is about to be a private site out at Frilford , and that site will allow the Vale to be designated and that means that people who are encamped illegally in laybys and bridleways and grass verges can be moved on much more quickly than they can at the moment erm and if we 're not careful they 'll all be moving into West Oxfordshire .
16 It predicted that at least 3,000,000 women and children would die of AIDS in the 1990s , and that AIDS would become the leading cause of death among young women and even among the worldwide population as a whole .
17 He argued that the plant should be studied together with its environment as a single unit and that mankind should respect the traditional wisdom gained from the trial and error of generations of peasants the world over .
18 There seems no prospect that screening for osteoporosis will meet the basic requirements for a screening programme — namely , that those offered screening must be better off as a result , that overall the screening programme must do more good than harm , and that screening must represent a better use of health care resources than other competing demands .
19 In this formulation , while working-class struggle and political action may allow the state to act in ways which are inimical to the interests of specific sectors of capital , it is unlikely that any policies pursued will be inimical to capital in general .
20 It is , of course , nothing new to propose that the legal framework of child welfare and professional intervention should reflect the need to work with , rather than against , families .
21 Most desirable are the blue-and-white pieces , particularly those with Dutch canal house decor ( est. £2,500/3,500 for five vases ) — and each piece will have a special Vung Tau lot label !
22 In a ‘ chicken and egg ’ situation , controversy flares among breed enthusiasts as to which type evolved first , and each side will take the credit for being the forebear of the other .
23 The entire collection will be shown in chronological order over a period of five years and each display will involve the restoration of the objects involved and their addition to a technical catalogue covering every object .
24 See that our guests are given double of everything , but Mr Wall 's whisky and dry ginger will contain no whisky and my gin and tonic will contain no gin . ’
25 This is because economic and monetary union will cause a very complex chain of reactions : the systemic changes will lead to policy changes , and both will condition behavioural changes in the economy , before arriving at the final impacts in terms of economic well-being ’ .
26 Its key provisions were that ( i ) foreign , defence and monetary policy would remain the responsibility of the federation ; ( ii ) the two republics would be represented equally in federal bodies ; ( iii ) each republic would have the right to sign international treaties in areas of regional concern ( to be defined in a future constitution ) ; and ( iv ) each republic would have the right to leave the federation after a referendum .
27 Government legislation and economic policy may affect a firm 's pricing and credit policy and often there are regulations concerning products , promotions , etc .
28 : in a lecture theatre or library speech input would be unsuitable , and typed input could create a similar distraction ;
29 Polluted water often smells , and a serious and persistent pollution may turn a stream anaerobic , causing it to give off hydrogen sulphide , with its familiar odour of rotten eggs .
30 Primary prevention would prevent the emergence of a problem , secondary prevention would refer to working on a problem in its early stages and tertiary prevention would limit the damaging effects of a problem already established ( p. 9 ) .
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