Example sentences of "and [adj] [adv] [vb pp] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is why the CIA during the 50s and 60s covertly supported a multitude of initiatives whose aim was to present the new American Art across the world as a promise for the future .
2 Second World War gas masks , tin helmets and posters on treating burns and what to do with incendiary bombs were left over from the days when each factory had a fire watch and some even had a home guard .
3 She claimed , and this certainly constituted a challenge to the American male :
4 Finally , the UK contingent were adamant that transsexuality was not acceptable , and this really created a lot of bad feeling , as the transsexual in question was one of the main organisers of the campaign .
5 Rationalist and orthodox alike defined a miracle as a supernatural interference with the natural order of things : what they disagreed about was whether such interferences actually happened .
6 The Ibos in Nigeria and the Bamilike in Cameroun are both groups who in the 1950s and 1960s respectively made a bid for predominant national power ; they failed , and continue to feel excluded from the political mainstream of their countries .
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