Example sentences of "and [adj] [prep] [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Neither could she approve his striped pyjamas , coarse and unpleasing in contrast to Maman 's ribboned cambric nightdress .
2 A year ago , there were only 72 lines from east to west Berlin , and 460 from west to east ; the figures are now 622 and 1,033 .
3 More comprehensive programmes , flexibly organised and stable from year to year , are required .
4 Birds were always with them ; robins watched with bright eyes and sang as they passed ; wrens flew suddenly and low from branch to bush ; great tits rang out their bell-notes unseen from the tree-tops ; tree-creepers trickled headlong and caterwise down the creviced trunks of the oaks ; woodpeckers kept up a constant drum-rattle on the hollow branches , the sound coming now from the right , now from the left , now in front , now behind ; wood-pigeons wooed one another in secret leafy recesses , comforting , encouraging , cajoling ; rooks sprang upwards cawing into the blue sky as they passed beneath their nests ; and higher still , up towards the sun , they caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling , buzzards , kites , eagles .
5 He saw Kypov , a comedy clown with a soot-smeared face and the back of his uniform singed and brown from collar to knee-boot .
6 If fork is feminine in relation to knife and masculine in relation to spoon , clearly there is nothing inherently masculine or feminine , even at an abstract and nonliteral level , in the work fork itself .
7 Where her tooth had fallen nut a sturdy new one was forcing its way up , with frilled edges and ridged from top to bottom .
8 And four and a quarter hours later , when it actually was four , and the bedclothes both above and below were a mere conglomerate heap , and Tessa 's strapping behind had pushed right across the bed , and Bob was cold and stiff from head to foot , and had been neither asleep nor awake for a moment , it felt as though the solar system had finally run down and stopped , and closed off the ever-renewing spring of pure , fresh time for good and all .
9 Thread Cotton thread is available in different deniers : 50 for lightweight fabric , and 40 for medium to heavyweight .
10 The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan was a vast country , some 1300 miles from north to south and 900 from east to west , inhabited by a great diversity of tribes and races , ranging from camel-owning nomads in the north to naked pagans in the equatorial swamps of the south , and former cannibals in the forests bordering the Congo .
11 I think it should have been the other way round because I was black and blue from head to toe .
12 ‘ I 'm black and blue from head to toe , ’ said Crawford then , ‘ I 've got eight pulled ligaments in my leg and bruises all over and , when I limp out of the theatre at night , these bloody bastards are walking up and down with signs saying ‘ English actors will be working next year — will you ? ’ .
13 One strand of modern research has devoted itself to the ferociously difficult task of building formal models that precisely state the conditions that are necessary and sufficient for competition to work , and describe whether and in what sense the result is ‘ efficient ’ .
14 The hour of death and mode of dying , however brief and fragmentary in relation to eternity , thus acquired a fateful significance — fateful indeed , if the death of an unrepentant sinner should prove to be the broad gateway to everlasting torment .
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