Example sentences of "and [verb] her [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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61 Her mummy , drawn by the noise , ran out of the tent , and seeing what had happened put her arms round her to comfort her and took her back into the tent .
62 As soon as I saw this , I dialled 999 and took her out to the studio in the stables where I live .
63 He held the door open for her and escorted her back to the dressing-room .
64 Harvey elbowed his way through and , grasping Amaranth by the hand , pulled her away from Ron Barton , and escorted her out of the room .
65 She 's not comi oh what do you want me to do , pick her up and carry her over to the house ?
66 One of the cats came to meet her in the wood and accompanied her back into the house .
67 He carried her across the corridor and put her down on the bed .
68 ‘ Then they said they would need the cubicle and wheeled her out into the corridor opposite a phone . ’
69 He took Anne 's arm and dragged her out into the hallway , towards the stairs .
70 She felt them lift her and take her over to the low stone wall beside the glimmering field of water-chestnuts .
71 In fact , Hyacinth was thinking about Wullie Robertson who , to her great surprise , had said he would pick her up from the Hospitality Inn after dinner , and take her on to the Young Conservatives Ball .
72 A French galley will pick her up off the coast of the Forth and take her out to the sea where other ships are waiting to escort her back to France .
73 You know it might land on her her bed , see if it landed on our bed at least you can chuck the blankets off and protect her and take her out of the room , but when she 's in her own bedroom in a single bed you ca n't , you ca n't do things like that .
74 Their common lot was fierce parental discipline , even a man of a warm and kindly nature such as Samuel Pepys thought nothing of beating his 15-year-old maid with a broomstick , and locking her up for the night in his cellar , or whipping his boy-servant , or even boxing his clerk 's ears .
75 She stumbled over the words , muttered and blushed , her duplicity and stupidity so abundantly clear to her that she was surprised that the charming young woman did not immediately leap to her feet , denounce her as an impostor and throw her out onto the street again .
76 As I considered whether to smash her and throw her down on the mountainside , I caught her scent .
77 I picked up my fags and the bag of grass from near the campfire and motioned her around to the driver 's door .
78 This strange , remote , eagle creature , whose body was bathed in incandescence from the fire , except that it was not quite the fire ; whose eyes were dark with passion , and whose arms , strong and safe , were enveloping her , and laying her down on the thick fur rugs before the fire …
79 When there came , in the distance , the sound of another bell ringing , the girl from the next cubicle actually came in and tugged her out into the room , whispering , ‘ You 've got to line up ! ’
80 The next February he awakened his bride from her melancholy sleep and carried her over to the window , where , on looking out , she saw the landscape covered in white .
81 He got up , lifted her and carried her back to the bedroom despite her threats to do him a fatal injury if he did n't stop carting her about like a sack of old cabbages .
82 The buzzard flew to the king 's palace , waited , perching in an oak tree , until the princess came out for her evening stroll , and then picked her up and carried her back to the forest , holding her as carefully as if she were made of rose petals .
83 And the buzzard , who had been waiting hidden in the branches of- an oak tree , swooped down , picked her up as carefully as if she were made of rose petals , and carried her back to the forest .
84 Then his hands came around her and gently he lifted her and carried her back to the bed .
85 They stripped the giggling woman , and pushed her on to the floor .
86 The fellow grasped the unresisting Rachel and pushed her out of the hall .
87 He tightened his grip and pushed her back against the door-jamb suddenly .
88 He surrounded her and wrapped her up in the folds of his silence , his mystery .
89 Peter took her there and picked her up at the end of the day .
90 The exercises will help protect and strengthen her back in the future .
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