Example sentences of "and [verb] up at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Kicking her shoes off , she rested her head on an antimacassar and gazed up at the chandelier .
2 She finished her coffee , and gazed up at the hillside , where Rafaelo 's white villa caught the sun , and his growing vegetables and vines lay in neat terraces up the hill .
3 He rested his dark head against the pillows and gazed up at the ceiling as he spoke .
4 Nervously she smoothed down her saffron-coloured skirt and gazed up at the house as Steve , with bounding energy , leapt out of the Suzuki .
5 She dropped her head back to relieve the tension in her neck , and gazed up at the rigging .
6 Go and sit up at the table erm Christopher .
7 I called out that we were ready , but there was no answer , and when I returned to the bedroom I found her lying back full length on the bed , her eyes open and gazing up at the ceiling with that same vacant stare .
8 At the foot of the mound they halted and peered up at the statue , eerie under its glaze of ice , which stared sightlessly far above their heads .
9 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
10 But lying there beside her , listening to the susurration of the tide and looking up at the sky through a haze of grasses he was filled , not with post-coital sadness , but with an agreeable languor as if the long-committed Sunday afternoon still stretched ahead of them .
11 ‘ So I 've heard , ’ answered George , rolling onto his back and looking up at the sky , while he chewed a stalk of grass .
12 ‘ I wonder where Barbs is ? ’ said Tim , stopping and looking up at the bedroom windows .
13 Corbett narrowed his eyes and squinted up at the sky .
14 He arrived at 1.30am on the first day , slept for a few hours and turned up at the clubhouse to find he was in the field .
15 I sit down on the bench and look up at the sky .
16 I stop under a lamppost and look up at the light , all orange and flickery .
17 Every night a vila — a wicked fairy who lived in the clouds and mist up at the top of the mountain-caused the whole hillside to tremble and heave so that the walls fell down , the stones fell apart , and all their work was to do again .
18 He turned , and glanced up at the clock above the bar .
19 Feeling a little embarrassed , he quickly cleared his throat and glanced up at the clock .
20 She turned the corner and glanced up at the hoarding above the cinema 's portico , to see what was to be her fate for the next three hours .
21 Doyle moved further up the road , and glanced up at the bedroom windows .
22 I used to walk between the two parts of the building — that is between my studio/study and the main house — and stare up at the pulley that hangs over the hall , an imitation of the one that hung there in the days when a real miller hoisted his sacks of grain .
23 Now , on Saturday morning , she thumped on the cottage door and at the same time leaned back from her ample waist and called up at the casement window .
24 She takes an exit at random and pulls up at the side of the road to consult her A to Z , but there are no street names visible which would enable her to orient herself .
25 The conveyance came around the corner , quite recklessly , and pulled up at the sight of him .
26 Laidlaw drove past it and pulled up at the end of the dirt road .
27 Unfortunately , over one hour later she found herself lying back against the pillows and staring up at the ceiling , completely unable to go to sleep .
28 ‘ Come on ; do n't just lie there , ’ Andy said matter-of-factly , leaving his cock alone and lying back in the grass , putting his arm behind his head and staring up at the sky .
29 Morse stood where he was , listening , and staring up at the sky as if viewing the unsuspected behaviour of some distant galaxy .
30 Once more on his feet and staring up at the bell rope , Jasper said , ‘ D' you know what I 'd like ?
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