Example sentences of "and [verb] up [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Then he crouched over it and squared up to an imaginary ball .
2 That may be half of what Darren paid for it , but in absolute terms it 's incredibly low depreciation over 40,000 and adds up to an excellent value motoring package .
3 After we got over the shock we asked around for other quotes and came up with an initial estimate of £1,000 plus parts , subject to what is found when the engine is taken out , from John Cutler Marine Engineers who were recommended by Sigma Yachts .
4 As the summer came I could take the pram along the Hastings promenade , and meet up with an old form mate of mine from school days .
5 As with all the best competitions the rules are entirely arbitrary and drawn up by an impartial judging commmittee consisting of the proprietor of this column and nobody else .
6 In The Games , he was cast as British milkman Harry Hayes , who takes up athletics for a joke , is spotted by a former champion runner and ends up in an Olympic Marathon .
7 If I stand at the window ( which I am not going to do ) I can see a small fat man with a trilby hat , a British warm and what looks like a binocular case , standing down below on the other side of the road and peering up with an anxious concentration at this battered , paint-peeling semi-circle of so-called Mansion Flats .
8 Suddenly , he gave a yell , raced furiously ahead and leapt up at an overhanging bough .
9 Rainbow freezes them all into silence with a daredevil lanecrossing manoeuvre , and pulls up with an intentional lurch in a crowded lay-by .
10 ‘ Whereas Charles may suffer in silence and put up with an unsatisfactory relationship , Diana 's chart shows she can not live without love .
11 The consequence is that Broad Lane 's two largest personalities have banged their heads together and come up with an undisclosed compromise in an effort to prevent Wivenhoe 's first relegation in 30 years of undiluted success .
12 ‘ It is entirely up to you whether you can gradually raise yourself to the highest position of eminence ever achieved by a musician … whether you choose to leave this world having been ensnared by a skirt , forced to lie on straw and shut up with an attic-full of starving children , or whether , after a Christian life , you go full of satisfaction , honour and glory , your family well provided for , and your name revered by all . ’
13 So I was taken into care again , went to an assessment centre and ended up in an approved school for girls in Hertfordshire .
14 It seems that the landlord of the Red Lion , called Leslie , and held up as an elegant fellow , instigated enquiries as to how such food came to be served to Johnson , and the following explanation emerged .
15 Professor Zeitung has delved into Jeffrey Archer 's childhood to explain why he writes the way he does , and comes up with an extraordinary finding — Jeffrey Archer never had a childhood !
16 CONTINUING the Cockerton theme set by the Alma , Fountain of the Week digs deep into the flowerbeds of the village green and comes up with an historic geezer .
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